Books on chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbology, pathology, anatomy, theory and more.
Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 4: Neurology, Psychiatry, and Pain Management
Neurology, Psychiatry, and Pain Management, including Cognitive and Neurologic Conditions and Emotional Conditions by Jill Stansbury
The Living Needle
The Living Needle
Modern Acupuncture Technique
by Justin Phillips
10-Minute Primer Chinese Kung Fu (Wushu) by Zhou Qingjie
10-Minute Primer Qigong
Learn the essentials about qigong with this comprehensive and easy-to-read introduction.
10-Minute Primer Shaolin Quan by Zhou Qingjie
10-Minute Primer Tai Ji Quan
2022-2023 Guide to Pacific Biologic Formulas
This guidebook is an excellent source for information and treatment protocols for the Pacific Biologics Line.
630 Questions & Answers about Chinese Herbal Medicine By Bob Flaws
This collection of 630 questions and answers on all aspects of Chinese herbal medicine includes materia medica, dosages, processing, methods of administration, and contraindications.
70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas by Bob Flaws
This handy text is designed to give the practitioner a grounding in a basic repertoire of the most clinically useful formulas and how to make the most of them through modification.
A Clinician's Guide to Using Granule Extracts by Eric Brand
Finally, a book on the intelligent and informed use of granule extracts, both as singles and in formulas!
A Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Nei Gong by Damo Mitchell
A comprehensive description and step-by-step explanation of the Nei Gong internal alchemical process also explaining its philosophical basis. Essential reading for practitioners of Nei Gong, Qi Gong, martial arts and Chinese medicine.
A Manual of Acupuncture (2nd Edition)
Painstakingly researched over many years by Peter Deadman, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Chinese Medicine, and colleagues Mazin Al-Khafaji and Kevin Baker, this book has become the primary reference in the West for the study of acupuncture points and channels.
A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care by Huang Huang
A Manual of Classic Formulas for Primary Care is a practical distillation of the learning and clinical experience of Huang Huang, one of the pre-eminent proponents of the Classic Formula (jīng fāng) approach to herbal medicine in present-day China. These are based primarily on the formulas of Zhang Zhong-Jing.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ehlers-Danlos (Type III) - Hypermobility Syndrome
A Sensory Journey
This card set, which includes 24 cards, a booklet and a sensory map, guides and informs scent meditation for personal and spiritual growth.
A Tai Chi Imagery Workbook: Spirit, Intent, and Motion
A Walk Along the River: Transmitting a Medical Lineage through Case Records and Discussions by Yu Guo-Jun
A Walk Along the River is a rare view into the processes by which experienced practitioners think about medicine and how it is transmitted across the generations. It is a treasure trove of insights and treatment approaches including many that are not found in standard textbooks. A very engaging, departure from the didactic approach to case histories.
Acu-Cat: A Guide to Feline Acupressure
Detailed charts, photos, 2 acupressure session protocols, full discussion of essential TCM theories and concepts. Acu-Cat gives you 30+ Common Feline Specific Conditions Session Charts, providing you access to potent acupressure sessions. The best feline acupressure book ever!
Acu-Dog: A Guide to Canine Acupressure
This 188 page, 4-Color book is the Ultimate HOW-TO Canine Acupressure Book. Tons of charts and photos with detailed discussion of TCM concepts, Assessment, Session Protocol, Hands-on Techniques, and, best of all - 32 Canine Health & Behavioral Acupressure Sessions. ACU-DOG is by Amy Snow & Nancy Zidonis with Foreword by Linda Tellington-Jones.
Acu-Horse: A Guide to Equine Acupressure
Acu-Horse provides a step-by-step guide to performing an acupressure session on your horse.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine: Roots of Modern Practice by Charles Buck
A practical and modern appreciation of China's medical wisdom, this book will be of great value to students and practitioners of Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and anyone interested in the roots of this time-honoured medicine.
Acupuncture for Body, Mind and Spirit: Everything you need to know before you step into an acupuncture clinic by Peter Mole
Acupuncture for Chronic Pain in Women - Ooi Thye Chong
This authoritative and extensive pain management resource bridges the divide between Chinese medicine acupuncture and biomedicine treatments which are often unsatisfactory.
Acupuncture for New Practitioners
Acupuncture for Surviving Adversity, Acts of Self-Preservation
Author Yvonne R. Farrell, Foreword By Russell Brown, L.Ac. ISBN 9781787753846
Acupuncture for the Eyes
Acupuncture for the Eyes is a practical manual that can be used by any competent acupuncturist to expand the scope of their practice to include disorders of the eyes.
Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirthing
The author, an experienced midwife and acupunturist, has written a concise, highly illustrated and practical guide for using acupuncture to treat women throughout pregnancy and labor.
Acupuncture Patterns & Practice
Acupuncture Patterns & Practice is a practical, clinically oriented exposition of traditional Chinese diagnosis and acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture Point Cards (2nd edition)
Acupuncture Therapeutics
This comprehensive textbook, compiled by the prestigious China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center (CBIATC), under the editorial directorship of leading Chinese practitioners Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, is an invaluable reference for the advanced student or practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, & Healthy Weight Loss
Acupuncture: From Symbol to Clinical Practice
Through his decades-long experience as a practitioner, Dr. Jean-Marc Kespi has returned to the ancient roots of acupuncture and developed an approach to choosing the best points for a given situation.
Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism by Donald Yance
Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism explores the Donald Yance's approach to wellness and his integrative model as the foundation for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Featuring extensive scientific research on adaptogenic plants and nutritional compounds spanning decades, this comprehensive book presents a breakthrough understanding of health and effective tools for graceful aging and stress management.
Afterglow: Ministerial Fire and Chinese Ecological Medicine (paperback)
Inspired by personal observations of the climate crisis, as well as health issues from patients involving ministerial fire, this text dives into the concepts of ming men and ministerial fire - core concepts of Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment. This book will assist practitioners in understanding the mechanisms of treating patients with autoimmune diseases, allergies, skin disorders and arthritic disorders.
Aging & Blood Stasis: A New TCM Approach to Geriatrics
In this book Yan De-xin, a prominent TCM physician from the People's Republic of China, provides his unique insights into the theory of blood stasis and aging.
Alchemy of Pushing Hands
Whether practising Pushing Hands in conjunction with Taiji Quan or as an independent practice, this book is ideal for practitioners and students of Chinese martial and health arts.
Alive and Awake
Before sharing the distinctions of ancient Chinese philosophy with kids, you will need to have some understanding yourself of the principles you will share with them. The teaching stories contained in this book are illustrations of one or more of these basic "bones."
All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome
All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome takes a playful look at Asperger Syndrome (AS), drawing inspiration from the feline world in a way that will strike a chord with all those who are familiar with AS.
All Dogs Have ADHD
This delightful book combines humour with understanding to reflect the difficulties and joys of raising a child with ADHD and celebrates what it means to be considered `different'. This absorbing and enjoyable book takes a refreshing approach to understanding ADHD.
All Sickness is Home Sickness
A therapeutic book about physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
An Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels: Acupuncture, Alchemy, and Herbal Medicine by Charles Chace and Miki Shima
This volume is the first translation of and commentary on the Exposition published in English, and it is among the most comprehensive discussions of the text available in any language.
An Illustrated Handbook of Chinese Qigong forms from the Ancient Texts
Anatomy & Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries
Anatomy and Asana offers an easy and successful method to learn anatomy and its relationship to yoga in a way that helps prevent injuries. It is written by a certified yoga teacher with a diverse background in kinesiology, ergonomics, and physical rehabilitation.
Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine: Wang Ju-Yi's Lectures on Channel Therapeutics
Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine demonstrates how a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between organ and channel theory can lead to more precise diagnoses and better clinical results.
Applying Stems and Branches Acupuncture in Clinical Practice - Dynamic Dualities in Classical Chinese Medicine
Classical acupuncture according to the philosophy of the heavenly stems and earthly branches uses the fundamental, cyclical rhythms of nature and life as a foundation for health and development. This book is one of the first of its kind in the western world to offer a practical and scholarly approach to applying this philosophy to clinical practice.
Aromatherapeutic Blending
Investigating the intricacies of aromatherapeutic blending, this book explores the concept of synergy and presents evidence for the biological and therapeutic actions of essential oils and absolutes. It encourages the practitioner to reflect on their approaches to treatment and provides guidance on building effective and safe blends.
Aromatherapy vs MRSA
In this ground-breaking book, Maggie Tisserand explores the problem of serious infection, especially MRSA, and provides information on the natural products that have been scientifically proven to fight bacterial infection.
Aromatherapy, Massage & Relaxation in Cancer Care (An Integrative Resource for Practitioners)
Aromatherapy, massage and relaxation are three of the most commonly used therapies in cancer care. This book offers an integrated approach to using these therapies and provides an evidence-based foundation for complementary therapists working in cancer care settings. International in its scope, the book provides essential information about the ethical and professional context in which therapists can practice and vital facts regarding medical treatment and potential side effects.
Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics. Volume 1: Principles and Profiles by Peter Holmes LAc, MH
Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics Volume 2 by Peter Holmes
The second volume in the Aromatica series builds on the fundamentals established in Volume 1. This comprehensive text presents the practical aspects of essential oil therapy and includes clinical profiles of over 120 essential oils currently used in practice. Packed with charts depicting the different functions and methods of oil delivery, the chapters examine the proper oil applications for physiological and psychological functions as well as for Chinese Medicine. Aromatica 2 is an indispensable guide for all complementary medicine practitioners.
Art of Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz
An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World
Atlas of Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine, 2nd ed.
Unparalleled reference for any auricular acupuncturist wishing to enhance clinical outcomes!
Atlas of Blood and Qi Disorders in Chinese Medicine
Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis (2nd Edition)
This new edition of Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis contains over two hundred color photographs of tongues seen in a Western clinic.
Auricular Medicine and Auricular Therapy: A Practical Approach
This is the most comprehensive text on both Auricular Therapy and Auricular Medicine written in over twenty years.
Sale Ends: 05-05-2025
Auriculotherapy Manual, 4th ed. by Terry Oleson
The book offers in-depth evaluation of the theoretical and clinical underpinnings of auriculotherapy.
Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurvedic Medicine
This essential resource explains the traditional medical system of Ayurveda, and provides guidance to students and practitioners on how to incorporate herbal medicine into their life and practice.
Ba Duan Jin
Bagua Daoyin: A Unique Branch of Daoist Learning, A Secret Skill of the Palace
Bagua Quan Foundation Training
Fully illustrated with over 200 photographs and diagrams demonstrating exercises, stances and postures, this book is the ideal guide for anyone wishing to understand the basics of Bagua Quan or develop foundation skills.
Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Biochemical Imbalances in Disease: A Practitioner's Handbook
Biomedicine: For Practitioners of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
This beautifully redesigned book is designed specifically as a textbook on Western medicine for practitioners of Traditional East Asian Medicine.
Blue Dragon, White Tiger
This is an important historical text that will provide a fascinating insight into ancient tantric practices for anyone with an interest in Taoism, Chinese history and philosophy, and tantra or meditation practices.
Body Intelligence: Creating a New Environment
Book of Jook
These Chinese medicinal porridges - called jook in Catonese and congee or porridge in English - can be a healthy alternative to the typical Western breakfast.
Breaking Free From Persistent Fatigue by Lucie Montpetit
Breath of Life, The Vital Role of Red Mangrove for Human and Planetary Health by Dr. Ted Anders (Author), Resina Koroi (Author), Jean-Michel Cousteau (Foreword)
This book chronicles the amazing journey by Dr. Ted Anders and Resina Koroi and their families as they re-discovered the power of ancient Fijian natural medicine and brought it into the pharmacies, homes and hospitals of the modern world.
Case Studies from Chinese Acupuncture Experts
Unlike the usual textbook, which contains a wealth of theory, but short on real life clinical use, this book is a collection of experienced clinical practitioners brings the practice of acupuncture to life!
Case Studies from the Medical Records of Leading Chinese Acupuncture Experts
Compiled by leading experts at the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center (CBIATC), under the editorial direction of leading Chinese clinicians Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, this book is a useful reference for acupuncture practitioners and students at all levels.
Categorized Essentials of Repairing the Body: Zheng Ti Lei Yao
Correcting or repairing the body is a specialty in Chinese medicine concerned with correcting or mending broken bones, dislocations, wounds, or other kinds of physical injury.
Celestial Healing
This groundbreaking book will be of interest to practitioners of Chinese and Asian medical traditions, and complementary and alternative health, as well as anyone with an interest in Chinese and Asian approaches to health and wellbeing.
Cha Dao: The Way of Tea, Tea as a Way of Life
This book will interest tea lovers, as well as those who want to learn more about tea culture, Daoist and Zen thought and practice, and Asian history and culture.
Chair Yoga
Seated Exercises for Health and Wellbeing
Chen: Living Taijiquan in the Classical Style
Chi for Children: A Practical Guide to Teaching Tai Chi and Qigong in Schools and the Community
This exciting training program will be an indispensable resource for anyone looking for a fresh and engaging way to improve children's focus, health and happiness, and will be a welcome addition to any classroom, gym class or youth group.
Children at Their Best: Understanding and Using the Five Elements to Develop Children's Full Potential for Parents, Teachers, and Therapists by Karin Kalbantner-Wernicke
Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications By (author) John Chen By (author) Tina Chen
Chinese Herbal Formulas for Veterinarians By (author) John Chen
Chinese Herbal Formulas for Veterinarians integrates foundations of Chinese herbal medicine with contemporary research and clinical applications in veterinary medicine.
Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, Portable 3rd ed.
The new portable edition of Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica (Portable 3rd Ed.) is designed to provide students and practitioners with the same comprehensive and authoritative content that they have always relied on, but in a lightweight and more flexible format.
Chinese Herbal Medicine: The Formulas of Dr John H.F. Shen by Leon Hammer
Chinese Herbal Medicine gathers the herbal formulas of master practitioner Dr. John H. F. Shen in one volume for the very first time.
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies (Portable 2nd Edition)
The new portable edition of Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies (Portable 2nd Ed.)
Chinese Massage Manual: A Comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to the healing art of Tui Na by Sarah Pritchard
Written for students of Chinese and other massage techniques, and complete novices, the author provides an accessible explanation of the fundamental theory, 20 basic techniques, and the methods of treating common ailments.
Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
This exciting new book is not only the most comprehensive and authoritative text on Chinese Materia Medica to have been published, it is a real value break-through.
Chinese Medical Psychiatry
Chinese Medical Psychiatry is a textbook and clinical manual on the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
Chinese Medical Qigong - HardCover
This textbook will be an essential tool for medical students and healthcare professionals working in complementary and alternative therapies as well as for all those seeking a better understanding of the beneficial medical applications of Qigong.
Chinese Medical Qigong - PaperBack
Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm by Peg Schafer
Longtime grower Peg Schafer is leading the movement for the transition to organic, domestic cultivation of Chinese medicinal herbs.
Chinese Medicinal Identification - An Illustrated Approach
At last, a specialized text dedicated to herbal quality assessment!
Chinese Medicinal Teas
Chinese Medicinal Wines & Elixirs
This book contains the ingredients, method of preparation and administration, indications, and contraindications for over 200 authentic Chinese medicinal wines and longevity elixirs as well as sources for the ingredients used.
Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use
Chinese Medicine Essential Oils: A Materia Medica and Practical Guide to Their Use (paperback) brings together the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine and the art of aromatherapy by introducing unique essential oils made from Chinese medicinal plants to the aromatherapy community, as well as presenting a new modality to the acupuncture and Chinese medicine community.
Chinese Medicine Psychology: A Clinical Guide to Mental and Emotional Wellness
by Professor Qu Lifang and Dr Mary Garvey
Chinese Pediatric Massage Therapy: A Parent's & Practitioner's Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Childhood Disease
Chinese remedial infant massage or xiao er tui na is a safe, non-invasive, low cost, and extremely effective therapy for the treatment of a wide variety of common childhood ailments.
Chinese Scalp Acupuncture
If you have ever wished you could do more to help a patient with a serious condition that Western medicine had given up on, you need this book!*