Eastland Press

Eastland Press provides distinctive books for practitioners of Oriental Medicine, Osteopathy and Bodywork.
A Manual of Acupuncture (2nd Edition)
Painstakingly researched over many years by Peter Deadman, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Chinese Medicine, and colleagues Mazin Al-Khafaji and Kevin Baker, this book has become the primary reference in the West for the study of acupuncture points and channels.
A Walk Along the River: Transmitting a Medical Lineage through Case Records and Discussions by Yu Guo-Jun
A Walk Along the River is a rare view into the processes by which experienced practitioners think about medicine and how it is transmitted across the generations. It is a treasure trove of insights and treatment approaches including many that are not found in standard textbooks. A very engaging, departure from the didactic approach to case histories.
Acupressure for Natural Pain Relief in Labour DVD
This is an instructional DVD and booklet for pregnant women and their support people. The acupressure techniques outlined in this DVD are easy to use, promote natural birth, and encourage close partner involvement.
Acupuncture for the Eyes
Acupuncture for the Eyes is a practical manual that can be used by any competent acupuncturist to expand the scope of their practice to include disorders of the eyes.
Acupuncture Patterns & Practice
Acupuncture Patterns & Practice is a practical, clinically oriented exposition of traditional Chinese diagnosis and acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture Point Cards (2nd edition)
Acupuncture: From Symbol to Clinical Practice
Through his decades-long experience as a practitioner, Dr. Jean-Marc Kespi has returned to the ancient roots of acupuncture and developed an approach to choosing the best points for a given situation.
An Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels: Acupuncture, Alchemy, and Herbal Medicine by Charles Chace and Miki Shima
This volume is the first translation of and commentary on the Exposition published in English, and it is among the most comprehensive discussions of the text available in any language.
Anatomy & Asana: Preventing Yoga Injuries
Anatomy and Asana offers an easy and successful method to learn anatomy and its relationship to yoga in a way that helps prevent injuries. It is written by a certified yoga teacher with a diverse background in kinesiology, ergonomics, and physical rehabilitation.
Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine: Wang Ju-Yi's Lectures on Channel Therapeutics
Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine demonstrates how a deeper understanding of the interrelationship between organ and channel theory can lead to more precise diagnoses and better clinical results.
Atlas of Blood and Qi Disorders in Chinese Medicine
Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis (2nd Edition)
This new edition of Atlas of Chinese Tongue Diagnosis contains over two hundred color photographs of tongues seen in a Western clinic.
Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, Portable 3rd ed.
The new portable edition of Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica (Portable 3rd Ed.) is designed to provide students and practitioners with the same comprehensive and authoritative content that they have always relied on, but in a lightweight and more flexible format.
Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies (Portable 2nd Edition)
The new portable edition of Chinese Herbal Medicine: Formulas & Strategies (Portable 2nd Ed.)
Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine: The Treatment of Disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine (2nd Ed.)
The new edition of Clinical Handbook of Internal Medicine consolidates the three individual volumes of the 1st edition into one volume. Topics are arranged alphabetically. Each entry has been extensively revised and updated, and new topics have been added, among them men's health, lingering pathogens, diabetes and withdrawal mania.
Currents of Tradition in Chinese Medicine 1626 to 2006
"Currents of Tradition in Chinese Medicine is essential reading for anyone seeking a nuanced understanding of Chinese medicine and the social dynamics that have shaped it over time." Yi-Li Wu, Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies: Psychology & Chinese Medicine (Revised Edition)
Accessible to the layman, yet a resource for the professional in any healing art, this book examines the natural energy functions of the human organism as a key to mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Female Infertility & Reproductive Gynaecology
by Yuning Wu, Celine Leonard and Michael Haeberle. This landmark book is the most complete presentation of the integrated Chinese and biomedical treatment of infertility and reproductive gynaecology in the English language.
Fifty Years of Practice: The Case Studies of Shudo Denmei
Capping a career that spans over five decades, Shudo Denmei, a leading teacher and authority on Meridian Therapy in Japan, has compiled 160 case studies that are representative of his practice of acupuncture and moxibustion and reflect the way that his practice has evolved.
Finding Effective Acupuncture Points
This is a book that belongs in the pocket of every practitioner, where it will become a well-thumbed treasure.
Handbook of Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
This handbook summarizes the key elements of Chinese Pulse Diagnosis: A Contemporary Approach in a portable edition.
Healing the Eyes with Acupuncture DVD
This 3-DVD set presents over 4 hours of illustrated lessons and demonstrations of techniques for treating eye disorders with acupuncture.
Japanese Classical Acupuncture: Introduction to Meridian Therapy
This book opens the door to Japanese classical acupuncture for Western practitioners.
Manual of Dermatology in Chinese Medicine
Manual of Dermatology in Chinese Medicine provides the practitioner with the information needed to properly treat skin diseases.
Patterns & Practices in Chinese Medicine
Like its companion volume, Acupuncture Patterns & Practice, this book is a clinically oriented presentation of differential diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.
Qigong: Cultivating body, breath & mind by Peter Deadman
This is a book about qigong – a time-tested practice that blends skilful movement, mindful absorption and deep, slow breathing. While firmly rooted in the Chinese tradition, I hope that it will also serve as a manual for exploring the wider world of mindful movement.
Qin Bo-Wei's 56 Treatment Methods: Writing Precise Prescriptions
An excellent clinical manual, this book primarily teaches a method of thinking that serves as a foundation for a lifelong approach to herbal medicine.
Rheumatology in Chinese Medicine
Rheumatology in Chinese Medicine is the first of its kind in any language.
Sports Acupuncture: The Meridian Test and Its Applications
The meridian test (or ‘M-test’ ) is a powerful assessment, treatment, and self-care system that can be used to improve athletic performance and physical fitness.
Ten Key Formula Families in Chinese Medicine
Ten Key Formula Families in Chinese Medicine provides a practical path to a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese herbal formulas.
The Practice of Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Classic Principles in Action
The Practice of Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Classic Principles in Action is an in-depth introduction to a form of treatment practiced in Japan that is based on the classics of Oriental medicine.
Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia
This book--newly revised in 2021 with 100+ new color photos (175 total) --systematically describes each of the primary characteristics of the tongue (body color, shape and coating) and their significance in the clinic.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis Study Guide
This book is organized around the 'four pillars' of TCM diagnosis: inspection, inquiry, listening and smelling, and palpation.
Visceral Osteopathy: The Peritoneal Organs
Visceral Osteopathy: The Peritoneal Organs is concerned with the application of osteopathic concepts to the abdominal viscera, specifically the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Warm Pathogen Diseases: A Clinical Guide (Revised Edition)
Warm Pathogen Diseases: A Clinical Guide (Revised Edition) provides an in-depth, clinically oriented approach to this important subject.
Zang Fu Pattern Identification Study Guide
by Qiao Yi & Julie Liu.