You Gui Yin (Restore the Right), 1oz (8:1)

You Gui Yin (Restore the Right), 1oz (8:1)

You Gui Yin (Restore the Right), 1oz (8:1)

SKU FES640-1
Brand Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Concentrates (8:1)
Unit Size 1 fl oz
Potency 8:1
Chinese Symptomology Kidney Yang Deficiency; internal injury caused by overstrain; weakness and soreness of the loins and knees; cold and pain in the knees and lower back;; cold or edema of the limbs; lassitude; spermatorrhoea, impotence; loost stools; incontinence of urine;
Western Symptomology Impotence with the weakness and soreness of the loins and knees, cold feeling of limbs, pale face, and lassitude; Male infertility due to low sperm counts; Osterporosis.
Actions Tonifies the Kidney Yang; Replenishes the Vital Essence and enriches the Blood
Pattern Kidney yang deficiency
Chinese name Zuo Gui Yin - You Gui Yin
English name Restore the Right

Warms the kidneys, replenishes essence.*

Complete extraction 8:1 liquid concentrate from Far East Summit processed using purified water and whole grain alcohol only. Alcohol content 16-25%.

Ingredients Prepared Rehmannia root, Morinda root, Cinnamon bark, Lycium fruit, Eucommia bark, Cornus fruit, Dong Quai root, Cuscuta seed.
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