Min Tong Granules - Formulas

Min Tong Granules - Formulas

Taiwanese Style Granules - 5:1 Potency - 100g per Jar

As your busy daily practice goes on, we hope you can always get the best herbal pharmacy supply and shelf display. Min Tong & Bio Essence Herbal Lines can assure you to have the best quality and pricing available in the market based on the following reasons:

  • Min Tong Powder extracts  of Single herbs and Formulas have strict quality and safety tests before purchasing the raw herbs and after finishing the production process.
  • All existing Formulas are made by cooking all the ingredient herbs together to have better concentration and synergistic effects. There may exist that other companies use single herbs to mix into certain formulas that are not popular in USA facility and not revealing the fact that these mixed formulas can have less concentration ratio and efficacy due to different lots used from various single herbal ingredients.  
  • Most of the Min Tong Single Herb Colorful Display has listed the Meridian entered and property of that herb usage besides their botanical and Pin Yin Names. The picture of that herb at front remind you the real herb looks like and thus enhancing the beauty for your clinical settings. 
  • Even the prices of our imports keep getting higher due to large demands of raw herb supply and higher examination and operation cost, we have maintained our prices lower than other similar competitors from Taiwan.
  • Taiwan Herbal extracts are better produced using low heat drying methods developed by Japan technology using slow drying the concentrated liquids into granule powder at lower temperature and longer time to avoid denature of the important components inside. Most herbal extracts from China use instant drying method to spray the extracted liquid into very hot air and dried into powder and then diluted them with dextrin powder into designated concentration ratio. Due to high temperature used, some sensitive active components can be destroyed. The color tends to be darker for those high sugar content herbs due to overheating. And the powder tends to get sticky once opened for a while. Taiwan Min Tong and Chaun Song Rong brands(we use their products when Min Tong did not make them) herbal Granules  are in small granules for easy mixing and dispensing. Using pure starch as absorbent can avoid sticking if tightly capped and have lower glycemic index than Dextrin.

An Tai Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT469
Unit Size: 100 grams

Tonifies blood and stabilizes gestation.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT471
Unit Size: 100 grams

Tonifies the yang*

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Ba Zhen Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT473
Unit Size: 100 grams

Tonifies and augments the qi and blood*

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Ba Zheng San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT474

Expels pathogenic influences and retify the function of the lower burner.

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Bai He Gu Jin Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT476
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Enriches Yin & Moistens Dryness*

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Bai Hu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT477

This formula clears heat with acrid, cold, and sweet substances, as opposed to draining it with bitter and cold herbs.  This is the strategy of choice where excess heat causes or occurs together with damage to the body fluids.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT479
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula tonifies the Spleen; dissolves Phlegm; dispels Wind; eliminates Dampness*

(0 reviews)  

Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT480
Unit Size: 100 grams

Promotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit

(0 reviews)  

Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT481
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract)

Harmonizes the stomach and downbears counterflow, fortifies the spleen and supplements the qi, clears heat and eliminates dampness from the stomach and intestines, disperses glomus and eliminates distention*

(0 reviews)  

Bao He Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT482
Unit Size: 100 grams

Resolves Qi and food stagnation.*

(0 reviews)  

Bi Liang Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT484
Unit Size: 100 grams

Dispels Exterior Wind-Heat and Interior Lung Heat*

(0 reviews)  

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT487
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1) extract granules

Tonifies the qi of the middle burner and raises sunken yang.*

(0 reviews)  

Cang Er San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT488
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 Extract granues)

Disperses wind, alleviates pain, and unblocks the nose*. (Bensky)

(0 reviews)  

Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT491
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Releases the muscle layer and exterior and harmonizes and releases lesser yang-stage disorders (Bensky)*

(0 reviews)  

Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT492
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Bupleurum, Oyster Shell & Dragon Bone Decoction - Harmonize the Liver & Spleen

(0 reviews)  

Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT494
Unit Size: 100 grams

Courses and harmonizes the liver, resolves depression and rectifies the qi.*

(0 reviews)  

Chai Xian Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT495
Unit Size: 100 grams

Clears heat, transforms phlegm, expands the chest, releases the shao yang*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT497
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula is used to dispel pathogenic Wind*

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Da Chai Hu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT499
Unit Size: 100 grams

Regulates lesser yang-stage disorder*

(0 reviews)  

Da Cheng Qi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT500
Unit Size: 100 grams

Purges Heat accumulation in the Stomach and Intestines*

(0 reviews)  

Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT506
Unit Size: 100 grams

Resolves dampness, clears heat, disperses wind* - Bensky

Notice: this formula by MinTong does not contain Dang Gui or Anemarrhena!

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Dang Gui Shao Yao San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT507
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula tonifies Blood; spreads the Liver Qi; tonifies the Spleen; resolves Dampness*

(0 reviews)  

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT508
Unit Size: 100 grams

Warms the channels, disperses cold, nourishes the blood, and unblocks the blood vessels.*

(0 reviews)  

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT513
Unit Size: 100 grams

Dispels Wind and Dampness; relieves pain; tonifies Liver and Kidney; nourishes Qi and Blood strengthens tendons and bones; alleviates Obstruction.*

(0 reviews)  

Er Chen Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT514
Unit Size: 100 grams

Removes dampness to resolve Phlegm; regulates the Stomach function.*

(0 reviews)  

Er Zhu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT516
Unit Size: 100 grams

Dispels wind and cold-dampness*

(0 reviews)  

Fang Feng Tong Sheng San, 100g

SKU: MT517
Unit Size: 100g

Siler and Platycodon Formula induces sweating without injuring the exterior, and purges without injuring the interior.

(0 reviews)  

Fu Ling Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT519
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula strengthens the Stomach; transforms Phlegm

(0 reviews)  

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.

Fu Tu Dan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT520
Unit Size: 100 grams

Stabilizes the Kidney qi, stops leakage, and strengthens the Spleen* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas and Strategies

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Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT523
Unit Size: 100 grams

Pinellia & Licorice Combination Granules

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Gan Lu Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT525
Unit Size: 100 grams

Enriches yin and clears heat, diffuses the lungs and eliminates dampness*

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Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT526
Unit Size: 100 grams

Tonifies the Heart; calms the Spirit; soothes the Middle Burner; helps alleviate spasmodic conditions. It is used to help a person who has hysteria caused by the dehydration of the viscera.*

(0 reviews)  

Ge Gen Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT529
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1)

Releases the exterior and muscle layer and generates fluids.*

(0 reviews)  

Gou Qi Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT540
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula replenishes Blood; enhances the circulation of Qi.

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Gou Teng San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT532
Unit Size: 100 g
  • Clears Heat from the Liver channel
  • Descends Liver Yang
  • Extinguishes Liver Wind
  • Transforms Phlegm
  • Strengthens the Spleen
  • Enriches fluids*
(0 reviews)  

Granule Bags

Unit Size: 1 Bag

Bags for dispensing granule poweder extracts. Must purchase granules to recieve free bags. Limit - 5 bags per granule bottle.

(0 reviews)  

Gui Pi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT533
Unit Size: 100 grams

Replenishes the Qi; nourishes Blood; strengthens the Spleen; tonifies the Heart*

(0 reviews)  

Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT534
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Regulates Blood, Invigorates Blood and Dispels Xue Stasis*

(0 reviews)  

Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT536
Unit Size: 100 grams

For Interior Syndrome, it restrains the Essence; suppresses the rebellious Yang; harmonizes the Ying and Yang. For Exterior syndrome, it releases Exterior Wind-Cold*

(0 reviews)  

Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang Granules

SKU: MT538
Unit Size: 100g
  • Unblocks Yang Qi
  • Promotes the movement of Qi
  • Dispels Wind
  • Eliminates Dampness
  • Clears Heat

-Bensky, 3rd ed.

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Gui Zhi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT539
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Releases pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and regulates the nutritive and protective qi.*

(0 reviews)  

Han Wei San (Gan Wei Neng), 100g

SKU: MT527
Unit Size: 100g

Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*

(0 reviews)  

He Shou Wu Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT541
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Replenishes Blood and is a very popular tonic formula for the Kidneys and Liver.*

(0 reviews)  

Huan Shao Dan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT545
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula is a great tonic for the deficiency of the Kidney Yang, Heart, Spleen, and Stomach; increases vigor. It is a typical Kidney tonic known for its rejuvenation properties.

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Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT547
Unit Size: 100 grams

Removes pernicious Heat and Toxins from the Three burners.*

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Huang Qi Wu Wu Tang

SKU: MT552
Unit Size: 100 grams

Astragalus & Cinnamon Five Herb

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Granule

SKU: MT554
Unit Size: 100 gram bottle

Dispels turbid Dampness in the Spleen and Stomach; clears pathogenic influences from the Exterior of the body.*

(0 reviews)  

Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan (Jia Wei Shen Qi Wan) Granules, 100g

SKU: MT556
Unit Size: 100 grams

Warms the Yang; nourishes the Kidneys; strengthens the Qi to transform Water; promotes urination; reduces edema.*

(0 reviews)  

Jia Wei Ping Wei San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT557
Unit Size: 100 grams

Strengthens the Stomach function; dispels Dampness in the Spleen by warming; enhances the Stomach Qi circulation; dissolves food Stagnation.*

(0 reviews)  

Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT558
Unit Size: 100 grams

Disperses congested Liver-Qi; removes Heat; strengthens the Spleen; nourishes Blood.*

(0 reviews)  

Jiang Xue Ya Yan Fang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT559
Unit Size: 100 grams

Moderates excess Liver Yang.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Jing Fang Bai Du San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT561
Unit Size: 100 gram bottle

Induces sweating, releases the exterior, dispels wind, and alleviates pain* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.

(0 reviews)  

Jing Jie Lian Qiao Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT562
Unit Size: 100 grams

Dispels wind, clears heat, disperses stagnation, and resoles toxicity*

(0 reviews)  

Juan Bi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT566
Unit Size: 100 grams

Clears Wind, Cold and Dampness; promotes Blood circulation.*

(0 reviews)  

Li Zhong Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT567
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Warms the middle burner and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach.*

(0 reviews)  

Lian Zi Qing Xin Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT568
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula dispels intense Fire in the Heart; nourishes the Qi and Yin; purges Damp-Heat; soothes disturbed nervous energy.*

(0 reviews)  

Liang Ge San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT569
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Drains fire and unblocks the bowels by clearing the upper burner and draining the middle burner.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Ling Sou Wan (Ning Sou Wan) Granules, 100g

SKU: MT571

Expels hot Phlegm; clears Heat; helps stop coughing; helps alleviate difficulty breathing caused by Phlegm obstruction.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Liu He Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT573
Unit Size: 100 gram bottle

Strengthens the Spleen, transforms dampness, causes the pure to ascend and the turbid to descend, and harmonizes the functions of the six yang organs.* Bensky: Formulas & Strategies

(0 reviews)  

Liu Jun Zi Tang T Granules, 100g

SKU: MT574
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

Revitalizes the Qi; strengthens the Spleen and Stomach; resolves Phlegm and Dampness; helps stop vomiting.*

(0 reviews)  

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT575
Unit Size: 100 grams

Enriches the yin and nourishes the Kidneys.*

(0 reviews)  

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT576
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula sedates excess Heat or Fire in the Liver and Gallbladder; dispels Damp-Heat from the Lower Burner.*

(0 reviews)  

Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT580
Unit Size: 100 grams

Moistens the Intestines; enhances the Qi circulation; clears Heat; promotes bowel movement.*

(0 reviews)  

Mai Men Dong Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT581
Unit Size: 100 grams

Benefits the Stomach, generates fluids, and directs rebellious qi downward.* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies

(0 reviews)  

Ping Wei San Granules, 100g

Unit Size: 100 grams

Dries dampness, improves the Spleen's transportive function, promotes the movement of qi, and harmonizes the Stomach*

(0 reviews)  

Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin Granules, 100g

  • Clears Heat
  • Eliminates Fire toxin
  • Disperses Wind-Heat*
(0 reviews)  

Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT582
Unit Size: 100 grams

Replenishes the Kidneys and Liver Yin; nourishes Liver Blood.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT583
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula nourishes the Kidneys Yin; tonifies the Liver; brightens the eyes.*

(0 reviews)  

Qin Jiao Bie Jia San Granules

SKU: MT587
Unit Size: 100g
  • Nourishes Yin and Blood
  • Clears Deficiency Heat
  • Reduces steaming bones sensation
  • Dispels Wind-Dampness
(0 reviews)  

Qing Fei Tang (Jia Wei) Granules, 100g

SKU: MT588
Unit Size: 100 grams

 Clears Lungs Heat; enhances the circulation of the Lungs Qi; tonifies the Lungs and Yin Essence; eliminates Phlegm; helps stop coughing.*

(0 reviews)  

Qing Fei Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT589
Unit Size: 100 gram bottle

Clears Lung, Restrains Fire*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT591
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula eliminates Heat from the Lungs; dissolves Phlegm; reverses the ascension of rebellious Qi; is an anti-tussive and expectorant.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Qing Shang Fang Feng Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT592
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This is a very good formula for clearing excess Interior Heat in the Upper Burner and resolving Exogenous Wind-Heat type condition.

(0 reviews)  

Qing Shi Hua Tan Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT593
Unit Size: 100 grams
  • Clears Heat
  • Dissolves Phlegm
  • Descends Qi
  • Stops cough*
(0 reviews)  

Qing Wei San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT595
Unit Size: 100 grams

Clears Stomach Fire; cools Blood; tonifies the Yin; helps alleviate inflammation; removes Toxins.

(0 reviews)  

Qing Yan Li Ge Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT596
Unit Size: 100 grams

Clears Fire; resolves Phlegm; expels Toxins; antiseptic; helps alleviate inflammation; promotes urination.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT597
Unit Size: 100 grams

Removes dryness and moistens the Lungs.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Ren Shen Bai Du San Granules, 100gm

SKU: MT598
Unit Size: 100 gm

Releases the exterior, dispels wind and dampness, and augments the qi*

(0 reviews)  

Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT599

Augments the qi, tonifies the blood, nourishes the Heart, and calms the spirit*

(0 reviews)  

San Bi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT600
Unit Size: 100 grams

Nourishes the Liver and Kidneys; tonifies Blood; augments the Qi; dispels Wind; resolves Dampness.*

(0 reviews)  

San Huang Xie Xin Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT601
Unit Size: 100 grams

This is a purgative formula used to help Damp Heat.*

(0 reviews)  

San Zhong Kui Jian Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT602
Unit Size: 100g

Clears heat, resolves toxicity, reduces swelling, induces ulceration, moves the blood, and dispels stasis*

(0 reviews)  

San Zi Yang Qin Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT603
Unit Size: 100 grams

Channels Qi downward; resolves Phlegm; helps alleviate food Stagnation.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Sang Ju Yin Granules, 100g

SKU: MT604
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula acts as a diaphoretic; dispels Wind and Heat; anti-tussive.*

(0 reviews)  

Shang Zhong Xia Tong Yong Tong Feng Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT637
Unit Size: 100 grams

This formula clears Heat; invigorates Blood; unblocks the Channels; removes Phlegm; calms the Spirit.*

(0 reviews)  

This product has been discontinued and is no longer available for sale. If you need help finding a similar product please email us.

Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang Granules

SKU: MT608
Unit Size: 100g

Peony & Licorice Decoction - Harmonize Spleen and Intestines Formula

(0 reviews)  

Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT611
Unit Size: 100 grams

Replenishes the Qi; strengthens the Spleen and Stomach; removes Dampness and food Stagnation caused by Spleen Deficiency*

(0 reviews)  

Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT614
Unit Size: 100 grams

Invigorates Blood; enhances the Qi circulation; eliminates Blood Stasis in the Channels; helps relieve pain.*

(0 reviews)  

Sheng Mai San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT617
Unit Size: 100 grams

Augments the Qi; replenishes the Yin; generates Fluid; helps stop profuse sweating; nourishes the Lungs.*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang T Granules, 100g

SKU: MT620
Unit Size: 100 grams

Warms and tonifies the qi and blood* - Bensky

(0 reviews)  

Shi Wei Bai Du San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT621
Unit Size: 100 grams
  • Dispels Wind
  • Transforms Dampness
  • Regulates the Liver
  • Clears Heat
  • Resolves toxicity*
(0 reviews)  

Shu Jing Hou Xue Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT625
Unit Size: 100 grams (5:1 extract granules)

This formula enhances Blood flow in the Channels; strengthens the tendons; dispels Blood Stasis and Wind-Dampness in the Channels.

(0 reviews)  

Si Jun Zi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT626
Unit Size: 100 grams

Tonifies the Qi; nourishes and strengthens the Spleen and Stomach functions.*

(0 reviews)  

Si Ni San Granules, 100g

SKU: MT627
Unit Size: 100 grams

Spreads the Liver Qi; regulates the Spleen; expels pathogenic influences.*

(0 reviews)  

Si Sheng Wan Granules, 100g

SKU: MT629
Unit Size: 100 grams

Cools the blood and stops bleeding*

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Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Si Wu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT630
Unit Size: 100 grams

Replenishes Blood; invigorates the circulation of Blood; regulates the Liver.*

(0 reviews)  

Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT631
Unit Size: 100 grams

Reverses the ascension of rebellious Qi; resolves Cold-Phlegm; helps alleviate difficulty in breathing; helps stop coughing.*

(0 reviews)  
Practitioner Login for Wholesale Access
This item is temporarily out of stock from the manufacturer and cannot be ordered at this time. As far as we know, this item has not been discontinued at this time, so please check back later or scroll to the bottom of the page to select an alternate (if one is available). You can also click the envelope icon to signup for an email notification.

Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Suan Zao Ren Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT632
Unit Size: 100 grams

Calms the Spirit; replenishes Liver Blood; disperses Liver Heat.*

(0 reviews)  
Practitioner Login for Wholesale Access
This item is temporarily out of stock from the manufacturer and cannot be ordered at this time. As far as we know, this item has not been discontinued at this time, so please check back later or scroll to the bottom of the page to select an alternate (if one is available). You can also click the envelope icon to signup for an email notification.

Expected Resupply Date: Unknown

Tao He Cheng Qi Tang T Granules, 100g

SKU: MT633
Unit Size: 100 grams
Drains Heat; removes Blood Stasis.*
(0 reviews)  

Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Granules, 100g

SKU: MT634
This formula nourishes and invigorates Blood; removes Stasis; regulates menstruation.
(0 reviews)