Far East Summit Chinese Classics, Liquid Extracts (5:1)
One of Golden Needle's most prized lines, Far East Summit Chinese Classics® are a time-tested collection of modern Chinese herbal remedies, available only to licensed or certified healthcare professionals. Over the past decade, these classic liquid formulas have benefited from the feedback of practitioners across the country, allowing the careful refinement of formulas regarded to be as effective as they are authoritative. Chinese Classic® formulas are a full line of traditional Chinese combinations as well as individual herbs based on ancient Chinese formulas that have been utilized by practitioners of Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Where appropriate, Far East Summit has adapted classic formulas in response to the changing needs of the modern pharmacy. The resulting line of formulas blend modern scientific knowledge with time-honored tradition. All liquid extracts are made in the USA and have a alcohol content of 20-30% making them suitable for children as well.
5:1 Potency
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan, Jia Wei (Rehmannia Eight Plus), 2oz.
Rehmannia 8 Plus - Warms and nourishes kidney yang, dispels cold, disinhibits urine.*
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan, Jia Wei (Rehmannia Eight Plus), 2oz. (EXPIRES 05-2025)
Rehmannia 8 Plus - Warms and nourishes kidney yang, dispels cold, disinhibits urine.*
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan, Jia Wei (Rehmannia Eight Plus), 32oz.
Warms and nourishes kidney yang, dispels cold, disinhibits urine.*
Ba Wei Di Huang Wan, Jia Wei (Rehmannia Eight Plus), 8oz.
Rehmannia 8 Plus - Warms and nourishes kidney yang, dispels cold, disinhibits urine.*
Ba Zhen Tang (Womens Precious), 2oz.
Eight Pearls Combination - Supplements and regulates blood, warms and boosts the qi.*
Ba Zhen Tang (Womens Precious), 32oz.
Eight Pearls Combination - Supplements and regulates blood, warms and boosts the qi.*
Ba Zhen Tang (Womens Precious), 8oz.
Eight Pearls Combination - Supplements and regulates blood, warms and boosts the qi.*
Ba Zheng Tang (Dianthus), 2oz.
Dianthus Eight Correct Herb Combination - Class: Eliminate Dampness ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Damp-Heat ~ Source/Author: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era)
Ba Zheng Tang (Dianthus), 32oz.
Dianthus Eight Correct Herb Combination - Class: Eliminate Dampness ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Damp-Heat ~ Source/Author: Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era)
Ba Zheng Tang (Dianthus), 8oz.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodes & Gastrodia), 2oz.
Pinellia, Atractylodes & Gastrodia Combination
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodes & Gastrodia), 32oz.
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia, Atractylodes & Gastrodia), 8oz.
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia and Magnolia), 2oz.
Promotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia and Magnolia), 32oz.
Promotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit*
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia and Magnolia), 8oz.
Promotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, 2 oz.
Licorice & Ginger Combination / Pinellia Combo / Pinellia Drain the Heart Decoction - harmonize the Spleen & Intestines Formula
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, 32 oz.
Licorice & Ginger Combination / Pinellia Combo / Pinellia Drain the Heart Decoction - harmonize the Spleen & Intestines Formula
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang, 8 oz.
Licorice & Ginger Combination / Pinellia Combo / Pinellia Drain the Heart Decoction - harmonize the Spleen & Intestines Formula
Bao He Wan (Citrus & Crataegus), 2oz.
Citrus & Craetaegus Formula - This is the basic formula for reducing food stagnation.
Bao He Wan (Citrus & Crataegus), 32oz.
Citrus & Craetaegus Formula - This is the basic formula for reducing food stagnation.
Bao He Wan (Citrus & Crataegus), 8oz.
Citrus & Craetaegus - Disperses food and abducts stagnation, fortifies the spleen and harmonizes the stomach.*
Bi Yan Pian, 2 oz.
Nasal Clear Combination - Disperses Wind Heat or Wind Cold, opens up the nasal passages, relieves swelling and headache.*
Bi Yan Pian, 32 oz
Nasal Clear Combination - Disperses Wind Heat or Wind Cold, opens up the nasal passages, relieves swelling and headache.*
Bi Yan Pian, 8 oz.
Nasal Clear Combination - Disperses Wind Heat or Wind Cold, opens up the nasal passages, relieves swelling and headache.*
Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang, adapted (Supplement Blood & Adjust Menses), 2 oz.
Supplement Blood & Adjust Menses
Courses the liver and resolves depression, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, warms the menses and scatters cold, supplements the spleen and kidney, norishes blood, and checks vaginal discharge. Class: Gynecology ~ Subclass: Move Blood and Disperse Stasis
Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang, adapted (Supplement Blood & Adjust Menses), 32 oz.
Courses the liver and resolves depression, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, warms the menses and scatters cold, supplements the spleen and kidney, nourishes blood, and checks vaginal discharge. Class: Gynecology ~ Subclass: Move Blood and Disperse Stasis
Bu Xue Tiao Jing Tang, adapted (Supplement Blood & Adjust Menses), 8 oz.
Courses the liver and resolves depression, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, warms the menses and scatters cold, supplements the spleen and kidney, norishes blood, and checks vaginal discharge. Class: Gynecology ~ Subclass: Move Blood and Disperse Stasis
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Ginseng & Astragalus), 2oz.
Supplement the Center & Boost Qi Combination - Supplements the center and boosts the qi, upbears yang, uplifts the fallen.*
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Ginseng & Astragalus), 32oz.
Supplement the Center & Boost Qi Combination - Supplements the center and boosts the qi, upbears yang, uplifts the fallen.*
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (Ginseng & Astragalus), 8oz.
Supplement the Center & Boost Qi Combination - Supplements the center and boosts the qi, upbears yang, uplifts the fallen.*
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang (Bupleurum and Cinnamon), 2 oz.
Class: Harmonize ~ Subclass: Harmonize the Shao Yang
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang (Bupleurum and Cinnamon), 32 oz.
Class: Harmonize ~ Subclass: Harmonize the Shao Yang
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang (Bupleurum and Cinnamon), 8 oz.
This formula is a combination of "Xiao Chai Hu Tang" and "Gui Zhi Tang". It releases Wind-Cold in the muscle layer and Exterior; helps gently relieve Shao-Yang-stage disorders.*
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum & Dragon Bone), 2 oz.
Bupleurum & Dragon Bone - Resolves taiyang, shaoyang and yangming disorders, and quiets the spirit.*
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum & Dragon Bone), 32 oz.
Bupleurum & Dragon Bone - Resolves taiyang, shaoyang and yangming disorders, and quiets the spirit.*
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Bupleurum & Dragon Bone), 8 oz.
Bupleurum & Dragon Bone - Resolves taiyang, shaoyang and yangming disorders, and quiets the spirit.*
Chuan Xin Lian Kang Yan, adapted (Isatis), 2oz.
Isatis Combination, adapted
Chuan Xin Lian Kang Yan, adapted (Isatis), 32oz.
Isatis Combination, adapted
Chuan Xin Lian Kang Yan, adapted (Isatis), 8oz.
Isatis Combination, adapted
Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 2oz
Salvia Plus Combination quickens the blood and transforms stasis, courses the qi, nourishes blood, relieves pain.*
Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 32oz
Salvia Plus Combination quickens the blood and transforms stasis, courses the qi, nourishes blood.*
Dan Shen Yin, Jia Wei (Salvia Plus), 8oz
Salvia Plus Combination quickens the blood and transforms stasis, courses the qi, nourishes blood, relieves pain.*
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (Bupleurum & Peony), 2 oz.
Moutan & Gardenia Free Wanderer
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (Bupleurum & Peony), 32 oz.
Moutan & Gardenia Free Wanderer
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San (Bupleurum & Peony), 8 oz.
Moutan & Gardenia Free Wanderer
Dang Gui Shao Yao San, 2oz.
Dang Gui & Peony Combination nourishes blood, courses the liver, disinhibits damp, fortifies the spleen and quiets the fetus.
Dang Gui Shao Yao San, 32oz.
Dang Gui & Peony Combination nourishes blood, courses the liver, disinhibits damp, fortifies the spleen and quiets the fetus.
Dang Gui Shao Yao San, 8oz.
Dang Gui & Peony Combination nourishes blood, courses the liver, disinhibits damp, fortifies the spleen and quiets the fetus.
Ding Chuan Tang (adapted), 2oz
Clear Lung Heat & Transform Phlegm - This [formula] is [for] wheezing caused by wind-cold constraining the exterior and phlegm-heat smoldering in the interior. - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies.
Ding Chuan Tang (adapted), 32 oz
Clear Lung Heat & Transform Phlegm - This [formula] is [for] wheezing caused by wind-cold constraining the exterior and phlegm-heat smoldering in the interior. - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies.
Ding Chuan Tang (adapted), 8oz
Clear Lung Heat & Transform Phlegm - This [formula] is [for] wheezing caused by wind-cold constraining the exterior and phlegm-heat smoldering in the interior. - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Du Huo & Loranthus), 2oz.
Du Huo & Loranthus - Dispels wind dampness, relieves impediment pain, supplements liver and kidneys, supplements the qi and blood.*
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Du Huo & Loranthus), 32oz.
Du Huo & Loranthus - Dispels wind dampness, relieves impediment pain, supplements liver and kidneys, supplements the qi and blood.*
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Du Huo & Loranthus), 8oz.
Du Huo & Loranthus - Dispels wind dampness, relieves impediment pain, supplements liver and kidneys, supplements the qi and blood.*
Er Chen Tang, adapted (Citrus & Pinellia Plus), 2oz.
Citrus & Pinellia Plus Formula - Dries dampness and transforms phlegm, rectifies qi, harmonizes center.*
Er Chen Tang, adapted (Citrus & Pinellia Plus), 32oz.
Citrus & Pinellia Plus Formula - Dries dampness and transforms phlegm, rectifies qi, harmonizes center.*
Er Chen Tang, adapted (Citrus & Pinellia Plus), 8oz.
Citrus & Pinellia Plus Formula - Dries dampness and transforms phlegm, rectifies qi, harmonizes center.*
Er Xian Tang (Two Immortals), 2oz
Two Immortals Combination enriches and supplements the liver and kidneys, warms yang while draining fire, regulates and harmonizes chong and ren.*
Er Xian Tang (Two Immortals), 32oz
Two Immortals Combination enriches and supplements the liver and kidneys, warms yang while draining fire, regulates and harmonizes chong and ren.*
Er Xian Tang (Two Immortals), 8oz
Two Immortals Combination enriches and supplements the liver and kidneys, warms yang while draining fire, regulates and harmonizes chong and ren.*
Gan Mao Ling, 2 oz.
Cold Magic Combination - Class: Release the Exterior ~ Subclass: Disperse Wind-Heat
Gan Mao Ling, 32 oz.
Cold Magic Combination - Class: Release the Exterior ~ Subclass: Disperse Wind-Heat
Gan Mao Ling, 8 oz.
Cold Magic Combination - Class: Release the Exterior ~ Subclass: Disperse Wind-Heat
Ge Gen Tang, Jia Wei (Pueraria Plus), 32oz.
Pueraria Plus Combination
Guan Jie (adapted), 2 oz.
Joint Care Combination - Dispels wind, damp, and heat, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, disperses swelling, relieves impediment pain.*
Guan Jie (adapted), 32 oz.
Joint Care Combination - Dispels wind, damp, and heat, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, disperses swelling.*
Guan Jie (adapted), 32 oz. (EXPIRES 04-2025)
Joint Care Combination - Dispels wind, damp, and heat, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, disperses swelling.*
Guan Jie (adapted), 8 oz.
Joint Care Combination - Dispels wind, damp, and heat, quickens the blood and transforms stasis, disperses swelling.*
Gui Pi Tang (Ginseng & Longan), 2oz.
Spleen Returning Combination - Boosts the qi and supplements the blood, supplements the spleen, nourishes the heart.*
Gui Pi Tang (Ginseng & Longan), 32oz.
Spleen Returning Combination - Boosts the qi and supplements the blood, supplements the spleen, nourishes the heart.*
Gui Pi Tang (Ginseng & Longan), 8oz.
Spleen Returning Combination - Boosts the qi and supplements the blood, supplements the spleen, nourishes the heart.*
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang (Cinnamon & Hoelen), 2oz.
Cinnamon & Poria Combination - Untie Blood Stasis Formula / Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis*
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang (Cinnamon & Hoelen), 32oz.
Cinnamon & Poria Combination - Untie Blood Stasis Formula / Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis*
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang (Cinnamon & Hoelen), 8oz.
Cinnamon & Poria Combination - Untie Blood Stasis Formula / Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis*
Gui Zhi Tang, 2oz.
Cinnamon Twig Combination dispels cold, effuses the exterior and harmonizes the construction and defense aspects.
Gui Zhi Tang, 32oz.
Cinnamon Twig Combination dispels cold, effuses the exterior and harmonizes the construction and defense aspects.
Gui Zhi Tang, 8oz.
Cinnamon Twig Combination dispels cold, effuses the exterior and harmonizes the construction and defense aspects.
Huan Shao Dan, 2oz.
Rejuvenation Elixir supplements the kidney, boosts spleen qi, strengthens yang, enriches yin, nourishes blood, harmonizes the heart and kidney and quiets the spirit.
Huan Shao Dan, 32oz.
Rejuvenation Elixir supplements the kidney, boosts spleen qi, strengthens yang, enriches yin, nourishes blood, harmonizes the heart and kidney and quiets the spirit.
Huan Shao Dan, 8oz.
Rejuvenation Elixir supplements the kidney, boosts spleen qi, strengthens yang, enriches yin, nourishes blood, harmonizes the heart and kidney and quiets the spirit.
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 2oz.
Coptis & Scute Toxin-Resolving Combination - Class: Clear Heat ~ Subclass: Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity ~ Source/Author: Wai Tai Bi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library)
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 32oz.
Coptis & Scute Toxin-Resolving Combination - Class: Clear Heat ~ Subclass: Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity ~ Source/Author: Wai Tai Bi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library)
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang (Coptis & Scute), 8oz.
Coptis & Scute Toxin-Resolving Combination - Class: Clear Heat ~ Subclass: Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity ~ Source/Author: Wai Tai Bi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library)
Huang Lian Shang Qing (Coptis Upper Body), 2oz.
Coptis to Clear the Upper Body - Clears heat and resolves toxicity, drains fire, and unblocks the bowels* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Huang Lian Shang Qing (Coptis Upper Body), 32oz.
Coptis to Clear the Upper Body - Clears heat and resolves toxicity, drains fire, and unblocks the bowels* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Huang Lian Shang Qing (Coptis Upper Body), 8oz.
Coptis to Clear the Upper Body - Clears heat and resolves toxicity, drains fire, and unblocks the bowels* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 2oz.
Coptis Warm Gallbladder Combination - Class: Transform Phlegm ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Phlegm-Heat ~ Source/Author: Wen Re Jing Wei (Warp and Woof of Warm-febrile Diseases)
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 32oz.
Coptis Warm Gallbladder Combination - Class: Transform Phlegm ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Phlegm-Heat ~ Source/Author: Wen Re Jing Wei (Warp and Woof of Warm-febrile Diseases)
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang (Coptis & Pinellia), 8oz.
Coptis Warm Gallbladder Combination - Class: Transform Phlegm ~ Subclass: Clear and Transform Phlegm-Heat ~ Source/Author: Wen Re Jing Wei (Warp and Woof of Warm-febrile Diseases)
Huang Qi Ling Zhi San, adapted (Astragalus & Ganoderma), 32 oz.
Boosts and supplements qi, strengthens right qi, enriches yin, nourishes blood, engenders fluids, fortifies spleen, warms and supplements kidneys, checks sweating, allays thirst and suppresses cough.*
Huang Qi Ling Zhi San, adapted (Astragalus & Ganoderma), 2 oz.
Astragalus and Ganoderma
Huang Qi Ling Zhi San, adapted (Astragalus & Ganoderma), 8 oz.
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastaches Formula), 2 oz.
Class: Eliminate Dampness
Subclass: Transform Damp Turbidity
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastaches Formula), 8 oz.
Class: Eliminate Dampness
Subclass: Transform Damp Turbidity
Jie Jie Wan, 2oz
Resolve Swelling Combination supplements the spleen and kidney, drains damp, disinhibits urine, outthrusts pus, disperses accumulation and moves blood and qi.*