Chinese Herbal Formulas
204 Wei Te Ling
Promotes healthy function of the stomach and intestines.*
999 Ganmao Qingre Granules, 10 Sachets
Supports the health of the gastrointestinal track as well as the immune, nervous, and upper respiratory systems.
A Little Loose
A tincture for swollen, painful gums with the sensation of loose teeth.*
Sale Ends: 03-12-2025
Treats joint and muscle pain accompanied by weakness of the legs, hips, and back, especially post-stroke.
Acanthopanax 10, 100 tablets
Acanthopanax 10, 250 tablets
Achyranthes Tablets
Acorus Tablets, 100 tablets
Acorus Tablets, 250 tablets
Added Flavors Supplement the Center and Boost the Qi
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Jia Wei
Advanced Chole-Clear
Use as a supplement to a balanced diet during bouts of chronic fatigue from viral infections when you desire advanced immune defense to prevent viral infections and cancer tumors.
Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan Granules, 100g
Warms the vessels and comforts the Womb while also nourishing and invigorating the blood.*
Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan Granules, 200g
Warms the vessels and comforts the Womb while also nourishing and invigorating the blood.*
Air Passage Blend 1/2 oz
TCM Essential Oil Blend from Alchemica Botanica.
Albizzia 9, 100 tablets
Albizzia 9, 250 tablets
Alisma 16, 100 tablets
Alisma 16, 250 tablets
AllerDx, 60ct Bottle
AllerDx incorporates a multi-targeted approach to strengthen and re-balance functional aspects of your general health so that your immune defenses function as intended.
Allerease Jr
Bi Qui Tang Jia Jian
AllerEase, 60 caps
Yu Ping Feng Cang Er Zi San - Jade Screen and Xanthium
Failure of superficial Qi to protect the body against infection marked by stuffy nose, runny nose, and itchy nose and eyes.*
Allergy & Sinus Support, 100 caps
Comprehensive sinus health support*
Allergy Pills
Dr. Shen's Allergy Pills, Made in USA With The Best Herbs
AllTonic Capsules
AllTonic™ is all the herbal nutritional support you need for boosting overall health from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).*
Aloe 22
Treats intestinal parasites and other intestinal diseases. This formula balances dispersing, eliminative forces with contracting and building forces, this it is useful for a broad range of applications.
Amber Pearls
Overall Warming, Warming and Consolidating with Food Grade Herbs - Earth
A vitality and energy tonic for the "on the go" professional woman.
Ambrosia (EXPIRES 05-14-2025)
A vitality and energy tonic for the "on the go" professional woman.
Product Expires: 05-14-2025
An Mian Wan
Use for disturbed Shen due to deficiency of Qi and Blood. As a tonic formula, it is also good for poor concentration or cloudy thinking. (Fratkin, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines)
An Mian Wan, 360 teapills
An Mien Wan
An Shen Bu Xin Pian
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Pian, Tablets
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan Capsules
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan Granules, 100g
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan Granules, Box of 42 packets (2g ea)
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan Tablets
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Bu Xin Wan, Pills
Harmonizes Heart and Kidney function; promotes healthy blood flow to nurture the Heart; calms the mind and spirit (Shen).*
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan Granules
An Tai Yin Granules, 100g
Tonifies blood and stabilizes gestation.*
An Zhong San Granules, 100g
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
An Zhong San Granules, 100g
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
An Zhong San Granules, 200g
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
An Zhong San Granules, Box of 42 packets (2g ea)
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
An Zhong San, Capsules
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
An Zhong San, Tabs
Warms and strengthens the middle burner, regulates the qi, and invigorates the blood.*
Anchor The Yang, 300 tablets
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anchor The Yang, 8 oz
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anchor Yang (1 oz)
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anchor Yang, (120 tablets)
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anchor Yang, (2 oz)
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anchor Yang, (60 tablets)
Clears Heat from Yang excess, calms internal Wind, and descends Liver Yang*
Anemarrhena Tablets
Angelica & Eucommia Support (1 oz)
Supplements Kidney Yang, disperses Blood stasis, warms the channels and disperses Wind-Cold-Damp impediment*
Angelica & Eucommia Support (120 tablets)
Supplements Kidney Yang, disperses Blood stasis, warms the channels and disperses Wind-Cold-Damp impediment*
Angelica & Eucommia Support (2 oz)
Supplements Kidney Yang, disperses Blood stasis, warms the channels and disperses Wind-Cold-Damp impediment*
Angelica & Eucommia Support (60 tablets)
Supplements Kidney Yang, disperses Blood stasis, warms the channels and disperses Wind-Cold-Damp impediment*
Angelica & Eucommia Support, 300 tabs
Angelica & Eucommia Support, 8 oz
Supplements Kidney Yang, disperses Blood stasis, warms the channels and disperses Wind-Cold-Damp impediment*
Angelica 14, 100 tablets
Angelica 14 is a pain relieving formula, mainly intended for treatment of headache, neck pain, and other upper-body pains.
Angelica 14, 250 tablets
Angelica Compound Wan
This formula consists of 70% Angelica Dang Gui with 30% supportive herbs to tonify Qi and move Blood. It is a good tonic for building Blood as well as helpful in regulating female hormones. It is a popular post-menstrual and postpartum tonic for women. (Fratkin, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines)
Angelica Restorative Formula, 1 oz
Nourishes and circulates Blood, supplements Qi*
Angelica Restorative Formula, 120 tabs
Nourishes and circulates Blood, supplements Qi*
Angelica Restorative Formula, 2 oz
Nourishes and circulates Blood, supplements Qi*
Angelica Restorative Formula, 300 tabs
Angelica Restorative Formula, 60 tabs
Angelica Restorative Formula, 8 oz
Nourishes and circulates Blood, supplements Qi*
Anmien Pien, 180 pills
Anmien Pien is a natural Chinese herbal supplement that supports good sleep, and can help to provide you with more daily energy.*
Use as a supplement to a balanced diet during bouts of depression, unhappiness or pre-menstrual tension.
Anti-Nue Boost the Qi
Antiphlogistic Formula, 1 oz
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antiphlogistic Formula, 120 tabs
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antiphlogistic Formula, 2 oz
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antiphlogistic Formula, 300 tabs
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antiphlogistic Formula, 60 tablets
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antiphlogistic Formula, 8oz
Clears Lung Heat, cools the Blood, clears Damp Heat or Blazing Heat/Fire in the Upper, Middle or Lower Burner. *
Antler 8, 100 tablets
Antler 8, 250 tablets
Ardisia 16, 100 tablets
Ardisia 16 is a slight modification of the widely used Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination. A calming and harmonizing formula often used in aiding drug withdrawal.
Ardisia 16, 250 tablets
Ardisia 16 is a slight modification of the widely used Bupleurum and Dragon Bone Combination. A calming and harmonizing formula often used in aiding drug withdrawal.
Arisaema 10, 100 tablets
Arouse Power
Establish the communication between Heart and Kidneys in gynaecological problems and sexual problems of men and women. Tonify Kidney-Yang, promote the descending of Heart-Qi, resolve Damp Heat in the Lower Burner, calm the Mind.*
Arouse Vigor, (1 oz)
Arouse Vigor, (120 tablets)
Tonifies Original Qi, raises Yang, tonifies Spleen and Stomach, regulates ascending and descending Qi, arouses Spleen thought (Yi).*
Arouse Vigor, (2 oz)
Arouse Vigor, (300 tablets)
Arouse Vigor, (60 tablets)
Arouse Vigor, (8 oz)
Arteclear: Blood Pressure
Helps maintain normal blood pressure levels and treat certain heart related conditions.*
ArteClear: Cholesterol
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels*
ArteClear: Circulation 2
Supports healthy circulation, cardiovascular health and vitality.*