Treasure of the East Capsules
Mainland China Style Granules Encapsulated - 5:1 Potency / 500mg / 100 Vegtable Capsules per Bottle
- From Farm to Pharmacy - The Story of Our Herbs
- Video - Factory Information
- Treasure of the East at Pacific Symposium 2020
Ba Zheng San Capsules
Clears heat, decreases Heart fire, relieves excess water*
Bai He Gu Jin Tang Capsules
Nurtures yin; relieves heat; nurtures the Lung to relieve phlegm.*
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang Capsules
Promotes movement of Qi, harmonizes the Stomach, transforms Phlegm, moves Liver Qi, and calms the Spirit
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Capsules
Harmonizes the stomach and downbears counterflow, fortifies the spleen and supplements the qi, clears heat and eliminates dampness from the stomach and intestines, disperses glomus and eliminates distention*
Bi Yan Wan Capsules
Treats the retention of pathogenic heat in the lung.*
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Capsules
Tonifies the qi of the middle burner and raises sunken yang.*
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Capsules
Unblocks the three yang stages, and sedates and calms the fetus - Bensky*
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Capsules
Courses and harmonizes the liver, resolves depression and rectifies the qi.*
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Capsules
Dispels Wind and Dampness; relieves pain; tonifies Liver and Kidney; nourishes Qi and Blood strengthens tendons and bones; alleviates Obstruction.
Er Chen Tang Capsules
Dampness Relief / Citrus & Pinellia Combination - Expells Phlegm / Dry Dampness & Transform Phlegm
Er Xian Tang Capsules
This formula tonifies the Kidneys Yang; replenishes the Kidneys Yin; purges Kidneys Fire, regulates the Chong and Ren Channels.*
Geng Nian An Capsules
Nourishes yin and clears away heat, relieves restlessness and tranquilizes the mind, regulates the equilibrium, improves health*
Gui Pi Tang Capsules
Strengthens Spleen; tonifies Heart; nourishes Blood; calms the Heart’s spirit (Shen).*
Gui Zhi Tang Capsules
Releases pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and regulates the nutritive and protective qi.*
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Capsules
Spreads the Liver qi, strengthens the Spleen, nourishes the blood, and clears heat.* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas & Strategies
Jiang Zhi Yin Capsules
Strengthen Spleen Qi and eliminate dampness*
Jin Gui Shen Qi Tang Capsules
Warms and tonifies the Kidney yang.* - Bensky
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Capsules
Enriches the yin and nourishes the Kidneys.*
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Capsules
This formula treats heat excess in the Liver and/or Gallbladder channels.*
Mai Men Dong Tang Capsules
Benefits the Stomach, generates fluids, and directs rebellious qi downward* - Bensky
Mian Yi Tang, Capsules
Mian Yi Tang Capsules-- This formula is designed to strengthen the Immune System.*
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan Capsules
Enriches the Kidney yin and nourishes the Liver blood.*
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang Capsules
Lower Abdomen Dispel Stasis Decoction / Fennel Seed & Corydalis Combination - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis.*
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Capsules
Augments the qi, strengthens the Spleen, leaches out dampness, and stops diarrhea*
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang Capsules
Quickens the blood and dispels stasis, moves the qi and opens the flow network vessels, frees the flow of impediment.
Sheng Mai San Capsules
Engender the Pulse / Ginseng & ophiopogon - Tonify the Qi Formula
Shi Zhen Fang Capsules
Resolves Wind-Heat and transforms Dampness, relieves skin rashes and itchy "Shi Zhen" skin*
Suan Zao Ren Tang Capsules
Nourishes the blood, calms the spirit, clears heat, and eliminates irritability*. - Bensky
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Capsules
Subdues Liver Yang, extinguishes Wind, clears Heat, invigorates Blood, tonifies Kidney, nourishes Liver.*
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Capsules
Nnourishes the yin and clears heat, enriches kidney yin and supplements the blood, nourish the heart and either prevent the engenderment of stasis or transform any stasis that may exist,supplement the heart yin or qi and quiet the spirit, promotes the interaction of the heart and kidneys, engender fluids, clears vacuity heat*
Wen Jing Tang Capsules
Warms the channels, especially the Liver and the Kidney; expels cold; nourishes the blood; expels Blood stagnation; strengthens Kidney function.*
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang Capsules
Strengthens the Spleen, harmonizes the Stomach, regulates the qi*
Xiao Yao Wan Capsules
Relieves Liver Qi stagnation; strengthens Stomach and Spleen functions; harmonizes Stomach and Liver functions.*
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Capsules
Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, spreads the qi of the Liver, and unblocks the channels*.
Yin Qiao San Capsules
Dispels pathogenic wind, clears heat, resolves toxin, benefits the throat, relieves thirst, diffuses lung qi.*
You Gui Wan Capsules
Tonifies the Kidney Yang; Replenishes the Vital Essence and enriches the Blood*
Yu Ping Feng San Capsules
Supplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) Qi, stabilizes the exterior and fortifies the Spleen*
Yue Ju Wan Capsules
Promotes the movement of qi and releases constraint.*
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang Capsules
Settle the Liver & Extinguish Wind Decoction / Hematite & Scrophularia Combination - Extinguish Interior Wind
Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Capsules
Nourishes yin to decrease pathogenic fire.
Zhi Sou San Capsules
Transforms phlegm and stops coughing, resolves the exterior and diffuses the lungs*
Zuo Gui Yin Capsules
Nourishes the yin and restores the Kidneys* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.