Gan Mao Ling

Gan Mao Ling

Gan Mao Ling

Brand Great Nature Classic Tablets by Blue Poppy
Unit Size 90 tablets
Potency 7:1, 750 mg
Actions Clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels wind, relieves cough, opens the nasal passages, brightens the eyes.
Pattern External contraction of wind-heat
English name Gan Mao Ling
Description This popular ready-made formula is used preventatively in China for seasonal wind-heat invasions affecting the throat. Our version is a 7:1 powdered extract in a 750 mg caplet.*


Ge Gen (Radix Puerariae)

450 mg

Da Qing Ye (Folium Isatidis)

315 mg

Bo He (Herba Mentha)

248 mg

Ju Hua (Flos Chrysanthemi)

225 mg

Xing Ren (Semen Armeniacae)

225 mg

Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae)

225 mg

Jie Geng (Radix Platycodi)

225 mg

Qian Hu (Radix Peucedani)

225 mg

Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae)

112 mg


SKU: WT220

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