Cinnamon Twig Decoction, 1 oz

Cinnamon Twig Decoction, 1 oz

Cinnamon Twig Decoction, 1 oz

SKU KT109A-1
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 1 fl oz. dropper bottle
Potency 7:1
Properties Supports a weakened constitution, such as after childbirth or after serious illness
Contraindications Nor for use with Wind Cold invasion with Interior Heat. Use with caution in warm weather.
Chinese Symptomology Occasional upper respiratory tract disturbances with aversion to wind without sweating; Occasional nasal congestion; Occasional sweating not specific to a region of the body. Occasional aversion to wind or draft. Occasional sensation of alternating heat and cold. Occasional upper body stiffness.
Actions Regulates Protective and Nutritive Qi, releases pathogenic Wind Cold
Pattern Exterior contracted Wind Cold leading to leading Exterior Cold deficiency
Tongue Thin, white, moist coat
Pulse Floating, may be frail or moderate

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Chinese name Gui Zhi Tang
English name Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Regulates Protective and Nutritive Qi, releases pathogenic Wind Cold*



Pinyin Name

Common Name

Gui zhi

Chinese cinnamon twig

Bai shao

White peony root

Hong zao

Red jujube fruit

Zhi gan cao

Chinese licorice root (honey fried)

Gan jiang

Dried ginger rhizome

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