Xiao Yao Pian

Xiao Yao Pian

Xiao Yao Pian

Brand Tanglong Tablets (American Healing)
Unit Size 60 tablets
Potency 5:1 / 750 mg
Chinese Symptomology Rib distention; breast tenderness, fatigue; loss of appetite, bitter mouth, dry throat, headache related to Liver function disorder, menstrual cycle disorders; dizziness.
Western Symptomology Chronic hepatitis, pleuritis, chronic gastritis, neurosis, chronic menstrual problems, PMS, breast masses or cysts, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, ulcers, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome.
Actions Relieves Liver Qi stagnation; strengthens Stomach and Spleen functions; harmonizes Stomach and Liver functions.
Pattern Liver Qi stagnation or blood deficiency.
Branch Liver
Chinese name Xiao Yao Pian
English name Free and Relaxed Tablets
Description This formula regulates and coordinates the function of the Liver and the Spleen, relieves the Stagnation of Vital Energy in the Liver, and tonifies the Blood. It is used for a person with anemia and stagnancy of Qi in the Liver and the Spleen. It is used for such symptoms as: distending pain in the chest and hypochondrium, dizziness, stiff shoulders, loss of appetite, irregular menstruation, headache, dizziness, red, hot face, emotional instability, dry mouth and throat, lassitude, breast distension, alternate chills and fever as in malaria. Taken regularly, it will help to regulate menstruation and leucorrhoea in women, ease the Liver and remove Stagnation, and tranquilize the mind and nourish the Blood. It is good for both men and women.
Ingredients Chai Hu - Bupleurum; Dang Gui - Angelica; Bai Shao - Peony; Bai Zhu - Atractylodes; Fu Ling - Poria; Gan Jiang - Dried Ginger; Gan Cao - Licorice; Bo He - Mint

Price : $23.80
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Quantity (40 in stock)

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