Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules

Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules

Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules

Brand E-Fong Granule Formulas
Unit Size 100 gram bottle (5:1 extract granules)
Dosage As directed
Contraindications It is not for a pregnant woman.
Chinese Symptomology Frequent urination; stools very dry and firm; habitual constipation in convalescent elderlies or those with delicate constitution.
Pattern Dry Heat in the Intestines and a lack of secretion of Fluids; it is an emollient especially suitable for elderly persons.
Tongue Usually has a yellow and dry coating.
Pulse Usually deep, rapid or hesitant.
Chinese name Ma Zi Ren Wan Granules
English name Apricot Seed & Linum Formula Granules
Description Apricot Seed & Linum Formula - Downward draining - Moistening-Purgative Formula

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