Jade Moon Flow, 1 oz

Jade Moon Flow, 1 oz

Jade Moon Flow, 1 oz

SKU KJW106-1
Brand Jade Woman Herbals by Kan
Unit Size 1 fl oz. dropper bottle
Dosage As directed
Potency 7:1
Properties This formula supports the smooth flow of Qi and Blood, while calming the Shen and supporting the Kidney.
Contraindications Do not use during the acute phase of an infection or attack by an external pathogen.
Actions Invigorates and moves the blood; Relaxes and regulates the Qi; Tonifies the Kidney
Pattern Blood and/or Qi stasis

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English name Jade Moon Flow

Jade Moon Flow is influenced by the original Blood moving formula, Four-Substance Decoction with safflower and Peach Kernal Tao Hong Si Wu Tang, and also aspects of the famous "Drive out Stasis" formulas Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang and Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang. Additionally some elements of Escape Restraint Yue Ju Wan, are employed to create a formula which aims to remove all impediments to the smooth flow of Qi and Blood and thus the alleviation of pain. - Lyttleton* Jade Moon Flow should be taken in the week before the period and during the period. Initially it may cause slightly more menstrual flow than usual and occasionally large clots may be passed as any stagnation is cleared. It will need to be taken for 3 - 6 cycles. This formula should be used with caution in women who have heavy periods related to Heat in the Blood or Spleen deficiency. Use of Jade Restraint might be considered in these cases. ... If period pain is purely from deficiency then the sue of this formula on its own, may not get the desired result. Pain from deficiency is not as severs as pain from obstruction and women suffering from this type may not seek treatment for dysmenorrhoea. However, it is not uncommon to see mixed pathologies of deficiency and excess, where the pain is marked (and clearly related to a local obstruction or excess) but the Blood and Qi are deficient. When Qi or Blood is deficient it is easy for it to become obstructed in the same way a small trickle of a stream is easily blocked by the sort of minor obstructions which wouldn't hinder a strong flow. In this case judicious short term use of Jade Moon Flow can be made during the period with the use of popular patent medicine such as Women's Precious (in the Kan Herbals product line) which build the Qi and Blood at other times of the month. - Lyttleton*


Zhi yan hu suo - Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber
Dang gui shen - Dong quai root
Chi shao - Chinese red peony root
Guang chao tao ren - Dry fried peeled peach seed
Dan shen - Chinese salvia root and rhizome
Pu huang - Bulrush pollen
Zhi xiang fu - Prepared cyperus rhizome
Xu duan - Sichuan teasel root
Chuan xiong - Sichuan lovage rhizome
Shan zha - Chinese hawthorn fruit
Chuan niu xi - Cyathula root
Chao gui zhi - Dry fried Chinese cinnamon twig

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