CoptiClear, 2 oz.

CoptiClear, 2 oz.

CoptiClear, 2 oz.

SKU KT113-2OZ.
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 2 oz
Dosage 10-20 drops, 2-3 times per day
Potency 7:1
Chinese Symptomology Intestinal infection, amebic, dysentery with frequent bloody or watery stools, abdominal pain. Many types of infections, boils, skin infections, insect bites. Poison oak/ivy (apply directly to affected area). Stomach ulcers (caused by Stomach Fire), mouth sores or gum infections. Ear infections, fevers with irritability, nosebleeds
Actions Drains Fire and Toxins, resolves fever, kills parasites
Pattern Heat and Toxins accumulating in the Middle Burner
Tongue Bright red with a yellow coating
Pulse Rapid and tense, possibly flooding
Branch Stomach
Chinese name huang lian su pian
English name CoptiClear
Description Classically, single herbs have been employed in situations which match the primary indications of a particular medicinal substance. The action is strong, one-sided, and meant for short-term useage. Coptis is one such herb that is used as a single herb or can also be in combination with other herbs when appropriate. In modern TCM, Coptis exract has become a popular alternative to antibiotics for many types of bacterial infections, especially of the gastrointestinal system. This herb strongly inhibits many of the bacteria that cause dysentery, especially shigella dysenteriae and s. flexneri. The active ingredient is berberine (averaging 5-8% of the plant material) which research has shown to be antimicrobial. Coptis extract has also been shown in Chinese studies to be antineoplastic, antihypertensive, antibiotic, antiprotozoal and anticholinergic. CopticClear is appropriate for acute infectious conditions or as a supplement to classical prescriptions where there is a need to drain Fire. For example, when there is Heart Fire along with Kidney and Heart yin vacuity, combine CoptiClear with Celestial Emperor's Blend. When there is Spleen Yang vacuity with Stomach Heat, combine CoptiClear with Prosperous Farmer.*

chuan huang lian (coptis rhizome)

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