Asia Naturals Raw Herbs

Dr. Yu J. Liang, expert herbalist and wife of Dr. Kang, began traveling to remote regions of the world, pre-paying farmers to plant and grow crops to Dr Kang\'s exacting specifications. For example, Asia Natural Sheng Ma is the true and effective herb of northern Chinese literature: slices that reveal a dark brown border and tan on the inside with high contrast radiations. This species truly raises yang-qi, an important function lacking in other Sheng Ma species. The Dang Gui root are from Ming County, Gan Su. They are large and whole. When sliced, the Dang Gui is fragrant, moist, and oily, with a yellowish brown cortex and a yellowish white cross section. The Huang Qi is from Nei Meng, Inner Mongolia. It is the highest quality, completely natural, untreated and very thinly sliced. Many companies press many pieces of Huang Qi together and then soak it in sugar water and calcium sulfite so that it appears larger and more beautiful. Asia Naturals herbs are grown naturally in the best soil conditions without growing agents, chemicals, GMO\'s or pesticides. The herbs are cured naturally without sulfites, sugars or preservatives. It can take days, weeks, even months of herb preparation before they are ready to be used. It is a careful process, which cannot be rushed. Asia Naturals quality is higher than industry. Quality means everything.
Ba Yue Zha, 1lb
Akebia Fruit is bitter, sweet, and slightly cooling, Akebiae Fructus (ba yue zha) promotes the flow of Liver qi, harmonizes the Stomach, and disperses clumping; it also mildly facilitates urination.*
Bai Bian Dou
Hyacinth Bean; Dolichos Bean Strengthens the Spleen, Clears Summer-Heat and Dampness, Eliminates Toxins* - Chen: Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
Bai Bu
Stemona Root Moistens the Lungs and stops cough; Expels parasites and kills lice
Bai Dou Kou, 1lb
Cardamomum Fructus disseminates the Lung qi, awakens the Spleen, warms the middle, transforms dampness, pierces through and disperses trubidity
Bai Guo
Ginkgo Nut Preserves the Lungs and arrests wheezing;Eliminates dampness, stops discharge, and contains the urine.
Bai He (high grade)
Lily Bulb moistens the Lungs, clears heat, and stops coughs; Clears the Heart; Calms the Spirt
Bai Hua She She Cao
Oldenlandia Herba clears heat, strongly resolves fire toxicity, and reduces abscesses;Clears heat and facilitates resolution of dampness by promoting urination.
Bai Ji Li (Ci Ji Li; Ji Li)
Tribulus terrestris expels wind, brightens the eyes, calms ascendant Liver yang, stops itching, breaks up stagnation of qi and blood
Bai Jiang Cao
Patrinia resolves toxicity, expels pus, invigorates the blood, reduces abscesses.
Bai Jie Zi (Huang Jie Zi)
White Mustard Seed penetrates to the yin to restore movement of the yang, transforms cold-phlegm, dissipates clumps.
Bai Mu Er
Tremella enriches the yin, moistens the Lungs, nourishes the Stomach, and generates fluids.*
Sale Ends: 04-10-2025
Bai Qian
Cynanchum root and rhizome directs the Lung qi downward; suitable for any type of cough; especially good for phlegm in the throat
Bai Wei
Cynanchi root cools the blood and reduces heat from deficiency without injuring the yin fluids or blood, vents pathogens, facilitates urination.
Bai Xian Pi
Expels damp-heat accumulated in the blood vessels of the muscles and flesh, leads dam-heat out through the urine, stops itching, clears sores, relieves painful obstruction* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Bai Zhi
Fragrant Angelica Root releases the exterior, opens the orifices (especially the nose), dries dampness - Bensky
Bai Zhu, 1lb
Tonifies the Spleen qi, dries dampness, quiets the fetus*
Ban Bian Lian
Key characteristics: promotes urination, coos the blood, resolves toxins. Bensky Materia Medica
Ban Xia (Fa-True)
Key characteristics: acrid for opening, slippery for directing rebellious qi downward, and bitter for drying; best used for thin phlegm or dampness as well as rebellious Stomach qi. Bensky Materia Medica
Ban Zhi Lian, 1lb
Barbat Skullcap clears heat; Resolves toxicity; invigorates the blood; Reduces swellings; Promotes urination and reduces edema; Mildly dispels blood stasis and stops bleeding
Bei Sha Shen
Glehnia nourishes the Lung yin and clears heat; Nourishes the Stomach yin and generates fluids.
Bian Xu
Polygoni Avicularis Herba clears damp-heat from the Bladder; Promotes urination; unblocks painful urinary dribbling; Expels parasites and stops itching
Bing Lang
Areca Seed expels parasites, resolves firm accumulations, facilitates urination, resolves phlegm and food stagnation, directs qi downward.
Bing Pian (synthetic), 1lb
Acrid-dispersing, aromatically mobilizing and piercing, opens the orifices and disperses fire constraint* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Bo He
Chinese Mint facilitates the dispersal of upper burner wind-heat, cools and clears the eyes and head, soothes the throat, facilitates the flow of Liver qi and expels turbid filth - Bensky
Bu Gu Zhi
Psoralea Fruit tonifies the Kidneys and fortifies the yang; Tonifies and warms the Spleen yand and stops diarrhea
Can Sha
Cang Er Zi
Xanthium Fruit disperses wind and dampness and opens the nasal passages; Disperses wind and expels dampness; Dispels exterior wind
Cang Zhu, 1lb
Atractylodes Rhizome dries dampness, induces sweating, strengthens the Spleen and Stomach, treats atrophy disorders from damp-heat in the lower burner, helps the vision.
Cao Dou Kou
Alpinia Katsumadai Stem warms the middle, mobilizes the qi, dries turbid dampness.
Cao Wu Treated (Zhi Cao Wu)
Ce Bai Tan
Bensky describes that "the leaves are dry-fried at a high temperature until scorched brown, but not deformed. They are then sprayed with water to cool them, and then dried. ... This method of preparation is thought to reduce the herb's cold property, and thus its ability to cool the blood, but also enhance its ability to stop bleeding; it can therefore be used for both hot and cold bleeding disorders. It is also less injurious to the Spleen and Stomach in this form." Chinese Herbal Medicine Materica Medica, 3rd ed.
Ce Bai Ye (Ce Bo Ye)
Platycladi Cacumen cools heat, inhibits bleeding due to blood heat, stops cough - Bensky
Chai Hu, 1lb
Bupleurum Radix resolves lesser yang disorders and reduces fever; Spreads Liver qi and relieves constraint; Raises and lifts the yang qi; Restores harmony between the Liver and Spleen
Che Qian Cao
Plantain Herb dispels water, clears heat, brightens the eyes, dispels phlegm and stops coughing. - Chen
Chi Fu Ling
Red Poria eliminates water and dampness, especially associated with blood stasis
Chi Shao, 1lb
Red Peony invigorates the blood, transforms stasis, stops pain, cools heat in the blood - Bensky
Chi Shi Zhi
Halloysitum rubrum (chi shi zhi) is sweet and warm and thus augments the qi; heavy in weight, such that it enters the lower burner; reddish in color, such that it enters the blood level; and sour, such that it stablizes and binds.*
Chi Xiao Dou
Adzuki bean promotes urination and reduces edema; Facilitates the resolution of dampness and heat; Disperses blood stasis
Chong Wei Zi
Leonuri Fructus (Motherwort Fruit) invigorates the blood, clears the Liver, brightens the eyes.*
Sale Ends: 02-15-2025
Chou Wu Tong
Chuan Bei Mu
Fritillaria Cirrhosa Bulbus Cools, moistens, directs the Lung qi and Heart fire downward to transform phlegm, alleviate cough, relieve constraint, and disperse clumped phlegm-heat.
Chuan Lian Zi
Toosendan Fruit cools heat, regulates the qi, stops pain - Bensky
Chuan Wu, Zhi (treated)
Processed Sichuan Aconite Main Root dispels wind, disperses cold and stops pain; Reduces swellings, induces ulcerations, and dispels putrefaction.
Chuan Xin Lian
Andrographis Herb clears heat and resolves fire toxicity;Clears fire toxin manifestations on the skin such as sores and carbuncles;Clears heat, dries dampness, and stops diarrhea
Chun Gen Pi (Chun Pi)
Ailanthus Bark (processed) clears heat, dries dampness, and binds up the Intestines; Kills parasites
Ci Shi (powdered)
Magnetitum anchors and calms the spirit; Nourishes the Kidneys, augments the Liver, and improves hearing and vision; Aids the Kidneys in grasping the qi
Ci Shi Duan (calcined)
Magnetitum anchors and calms the spirit; Nourishes the Kidneys, augments the Liver, and improves hearing and vision; Aids the Kidneys in grasping the qi
Ci Wu Jia
Eleuthero Root tonifies the Spleen and Stomach qi to aid transportation and transformation: Warms the Kidneys to aid the yang in warming the Spleen; Calms the spirit; Invigorates the blood; Unblocks the collaterals; Augments the Heart qi and calms the spirit.
Da Feng Zi
Da Hui Xiang, 1lb
Disperses Cold, Warms the Liver and Kidney. Regulates Qi, Improves Appetite.* - Chen: Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
Da Ji
Sweet and cool, Cirsii japonici Herba sive Radix (da ji) enters the Liver, Heart, and Spleen channels. Because the Liver stores the blood and the Heart controls blood flow, its coolness reduces chaotically moving blood and thus stops bleeding. Its sweetness also helps tonify the blood, as noted in Essentials of the Materia Medica: "Its movement contains tonification." However, what this means is that it "removes the old in order to allow the new [blood] to be produced." Many materia medica texts record its beneficial effect on boils and furuncles, as it reduces swelling, cools heat, and removes stagnant blood. It also relieves jaundice and has recently been used to reduce high blood pressure. Externally, this herb can be pounded into a paste and applied for bleeding from trauma. For swollen sores and boils, one can pound the fresh herb to extract the juice. The juice is drunk, and the paste is applied topically.
Da Qing Ye, 1lb
Isatis Leaf strongly cools heat toxin or pathogenic heat in both the qi and blood levels
Dai Zhe Shi (treated)
Hematite relies on its heaviness to suppress and direct downward rebellious qi, while cooling Liver fire. Treating Dai Zhe Shi reduces its cold, bitter nature.*
Dan Dou Chi (Qing Dou Chi) - Prepared
Fermented Soybean ascending, vents and disperses exterior pathogens, disseminates and disperses constrained heat above the diaphragm. - Bensky
Dan Nan Xing
Arisaema (processed with bile) clears heat, dissolves Phlegm, calms Wind, stops Convulsions.
Dan Shen
Salvia Root invigorates the blood and dispels stasis; Clears heat and soothes irritability; Cools the blood and reduces abscesses; Nourishes the blood and calms the spirit
Dang Gui Pian (high grade - Sliced)
Angelica Sinensis tonifies the blood and regulates the menses; Invigorates and harmonizes the blood and disperses cold; Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels; Treats coughs
Dang Gui Tan
Tonifies the blood, invigorates the blood, regulates menstruation* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Di Fu Zi
Kochia Fruit alleviates itching, removes damp-heat, unblocks painful urinary dribbling, clears wind-heat affecting the eyes and head.
Di Gu Pi, 1lb
Lycium bark eliminates heat from both excess and deficiency in the blood; used for steaming bone disorder with sweating, and to cool the Lungs
Di Long
Earthworm drains heat, extinguishes wind, stops spasms and convulsions, calms wheezing, unblocks the collaterals, facilitates urination.
Di Yu
Sanguisorba cools heat in the blood, resolves toxicity, restrains and inhibits.* - Bensky
Di Yu Tan
This herb is prepared by slicing and dry-frying until blackened externally. This method of preparation decreases its cold nature and increases it inhibiting and restraining properties. This method of preparation inhances the herb\\'s usefulness for stopping bleeding.
Dong Gua Pi, 1lb
Facilitates urination and clears heat with its gentle, harmonious nature.
Dong Gua Ren (Dong Gua Zi)
Benincasa Semen facilitates the removal of pathogenic water and dampness, clears heat.*
Dong Kui Zi
Mallow Seed promotes urination, benefits the breasts, moistens the Intestines. -Bensky
Du Huo
Angelica Pubescens Radix treats painful obstruction in the lower body, dispels lurking wind in the Kidney channel - Bensky
Du Zhong (grade 3)
Eucommia Bark tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the sinews and bones, quiets the fetus
E Bu Shi Cao
Small Centipeda Herb disperses wind-cold and unblocks the nasal passages; Disperses pathogens, resolves toxicity, and reduces swelling
E Zhu
Zedoaria Rhizoma promotes the movement of blood and qi, breaks up accumulations, reduces food stagnation.*
Er Cha
Black Cutch drains dampness and absorbs seepage; Stops bleeding; Clears the Lungs, transforms phlegm, generates fluids, and stops diarrhea.
Er Cha (powder), bulk
Black Cutch drains dampness and absorbs seepage; Stops bleeding; Clears the Lungs, transforms phlegm, generates fluids, and stops diarrhea.
Fang Feng, 1lb
Siler Root releases the exterior and expels wind; Expels wind-dampness and alleviates pain; Expels wind and relieves spasms
Feng Fang
Fu Hai Shi
Transforms phlegm, cools phlegm-heat in the Lungs, disperses clumps, treats painful urinary dribbling.
Fu Ling Pi, 1lb
Poria Peel promotes urination and reduces edema*
Fu Shen (Bao Mu)
Tonifies the Spleen, eliminates dampness, calms the Heart spirit*
Fu Xiao Mai
Light Wheat Grain augments the Heart qi, inhibits the Heart fluids, clears heat from the pores and interstices, and thus stops spontaneous sweating and nightsweats.
Fu Zi, Baked Processed aconite accessory root - Hai Fu Pian
Prepared Aconite Root revives the yang and rescues from rebellion; Warms the fire and assists the yang; Disperses cold, warms the channels, and alleviates pain
Gan Cao (large)
Licorice Root tonifies the Spleen qi, moistens the Lungs, moderates urgency and toxicity, drains fire
Gan Cao (medium)
Licorice Root tonifies the Spleen qi, moistens the Lungs, moderates urgency and toxicity, drains fire
Gan Jiang
Dried Ginger warms the Spleen, transforms thin mucus, unblocks the channels, revives the yang. - Bensky
Gan Sui
Gao Ben
Chinese Lovage Root discharges exterior conditions and disperses cold; Dispels wind, overcomes dampness, and alleviates pain
Gao Liang Jiang
Lesser Galangal Rhizome warms the Stomach, disperses cold, stops pain, directs rebellious qi downward - Bensky
Ge Gen, 1lb
Raises the clear yang of yang brightness, encourages the Stomach qi and thus releases muscle layer heat and vents rashes; alleviates thirst by raising Stomach fluids, treats diarrhea.* - Bensky
Gou Ji, 1lb
Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, expels pathogenic wind, dampness, and cold.
Gou Qi Zi, 1lb
Nourishes and tonifies the Liver and Kidneys; Benefits the essence and brightens the eyes; Enriches the yin and moistens the Lungs
Gou Teng, 1lb
Uncaria extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms; Drains Liver heat and pacifies Liver yang; Releases the exterior
Gu Sui Bu
Drynaria Rhizoma tonifies the Kidneys, strenghtens and repairs the bones, directs floating yang downward - Bensky
Gu Ya
Rice Sprout gently reduces food stagnation while strengthening the Spleen and improving the appetite.
Gua Lou Pi
Trichosanthes Peel cools and transforms phlegm-heat, facilitates the flow of qi in the chest, disperses constrained clumping.
Gua Lou Ren
Trichosanthes Seed moistens both the Lungs and Intestines, cools and transforms phlegm. - Bensky
Guan Zhong
Clears heat and resolves toxicity, cools the blood and dispels stasis, expels parasites.* - Bensky: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd ed.
Gui Zhen Cao
Gui Pi
Reinforces vital yang; Warms the Spleen and Stomach; Dispels accumulated chill; Invigorates the blood vessels.*
Gui Zhi, 1lb
Releases the muscle layer, unblocks the yang qi, warms the middle* - Bensky
Hai Feng Teng
Kadsura Pepper Stem dispels wind-dampness and unblocks lthe channels and collaterals