Natura-Mune 2

Natura-Mune 2

Natura-Mune 2

SKU PB187-120
Brand Pacific Biologic
Unit Size 530 mg per vegetable cap 120 count
Dosage 2-4 capsules 2 times daily between meals.
Contraindications If pregnant or nursing. Stop taking if symptoms of a cold or flu are present.
Actions Clears heat toxins, regulates Qi, tonifies blood and Jing, tonifies Qi
English name NaturaMune 2
Immune Support and Vitality

Natura-Mune 2 is designed to Tonify Qi, Blood, and Jing, supporting the immune system, especially during seasonal changes. This formula gently strengthens and promotes overall well-being and is ideal for addressing chronic deficiency-type imbalances.*

Formula Considerations:

  • Safe with a wide margin of use.
  • Stop use if the immune system becomes compromised; switch to other formulas (Weather Beater, Attack 1, or Attack 2)—resume after symptoms resolve.

Key Ingredients and Benefits:

Tonify Qi:

  • Fungi and Mushrooms (almost 50% of the formula): Coriolus versicolor, Maitake, and Reishi are known for immune support and longevity.*
  • Eleuthero and Astragalus: Enhance energy and endurance; Astragalus has strong immuno-stimulating properties.*
  • Cat’s Claw and Pau d’Arco: South American herbs known for their immune-supporting properties.*

Tonify Blood/Jing:

  • Reishi Mushroom: Strengthens the immune system and supports liver health.*

Tonify and Regulate Qi:

  • Citrus Peel (Chen Pi): Prevents Qi stagnation in the Spleen and Stomach.*

Additional Benefits:

  • Clears toxic heat without affecting digestion.*
  • Supports liver and blood detox functions.*

Natura-Mune 2 is a versatile tonic suitable for mild Heat signs and Qi deficiency. Start with a smaller dosage and build up to the regular dose. Incorporate it into your daily routine for comprehensive wellness support.*


Licorice root (Gan Cao); Reishi mushroom (Ling Zhi); Tangerine rind (Chen Pi); Lycium berry fruit (Gou Qi Zi); Astragalus root (Huang Qi); Cats claw bark; Eleuthero root (Ci Wu Jia); Maitake mushroom; Pau dArco bark; Turkey tails mushroom (Yun Zhi)

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