Hua Shi Granules, 100g

Hua Shi Granules, 100g

Hua Shi Granules, 100g

Brand Min Tong Granules - Single Herbs
Unit Size 100 grams
Taste Sweet, Bland - Bensky
Properties Cold - Bensky
Contraindications Contraindicated in those with weak Spleen qi, a tendency to leak semen, or injury to the fluid from hot disorders. Use with caution during pregnancy. - Bensky
Chinese Symptomology Hot, painful urinary dribbling or any condition with dark, painful, burning, and scanty urine; Damp-heat generated diarrhea; Unremitting fevers, a heavy feeling in the body, thirst, and a yellow tongue coating due to heat in the qi level; Summerheat with fever, urinary difficulty, irritability, and thirst; Damp skin lesions including eczema, damp sores and prickly as a topical. - Bensky
Actions Cools summerheat, clears hot painful urinary dribbling, applied topically for damp-heat rashes and sores. - Bensky
Pattern Summerheat; Dampness, Damp-heat; Heat in the qi level. - Bensky
Channels Entered Stomach, Bladder - Bensky
Chinese name Hua Shi Granules
English name Talcum

Talcum cools summerheat, clears hot painful urinary dribbling, applied topically for damp-heat rashes and sores. - Bensky

Ingredients Hua Shi - Talcum
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