Siddha Flower Essences & Cell Salts

Siddha Flower Essences & Cell Salts

Siddha Flower Essences began as a joint venture between an acupuncturist raised in a family of western MD’s and a Marine infantry captain who served two tours in Iraq. The acupuncturist’s vision was a life of balance, harmony and peace. The Marine’s ideal was a life of clarity, freedom and health.

The intersection of these two is a company committed to helping as many people as possible to live genuine lives of clear knowing and harmonious action.

Since 2008 Siddha Flower Essences has evolved.  We have increased our product offering and involved more formulators with backgrounds in the healing arts.  We remain focused on providing these gentle yet powerful tools of nature to our customers.

Abandonment & Separation

SKU: SI200
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Feeling insecure

• Fearful

• Seeking attention

• Being easily startled


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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (7 in stock)

Attention & Focus

SKU: SI300
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Difficulty studying

• Inability to think clearly

• Averse to work or exertion

• Overwhelmed

• Restlessness

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (4 in stock)

Blood Sugar

SKU: SI100
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Excessive appetite and/or thirst

• Weak appetite and/or thirst

• Sweet cravings

• Salt cravings

• Physical and mental fatigue

• Excessive urination

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (13 in stock)

Calm Down

SKU: SI205
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Anxiousness

• Restlessness and nervousness

• Excitability

• Uneasiness in stormy weather

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (7 in stock)


SKU: SI105
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: • Indigestion • Heartburn • Stomachache • Abnormal appetite • Nausea • Feeling overwhelmed Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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On sale : $18.66
Sale Ends: 10-08-2024
Market price: $21.95 save 15%
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Emotional Detox

SKU: SI110
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: • Melancholy • Irritability • Lethargy • Mental fatigue • Worry • Physical, mental or emotional shock

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (10 in stock)

Energy & Motivation

SKU: SI400
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: Exhaustion, Indifference and hopelessness, Physical and mental fatigue, Easily discouraged, Feels dull in the morning

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (8 in stock)

Female Balance

SKU: SI115
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Menstrual cramps

• Hot flashes

• Irritability

• Headaches

• Irregular menses

• Resistance to motherly giving

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

(1 reviews)  
Price : $21.95
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Quantity (16 in stock)

Grief & Loss

SKU: SI405
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Sadness and Despair

• Hopeless about the future

• Depressed spirits

• Melancholy

• Everything is too much

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (10 in stock)

Happy Heart

SKU: SI120
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Anxiety in heart

• Indecision

• Melancholy

• Uncertainty about ambitions

• Soft pulse

• Weakness of will

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Healthy Hair

SKU: SI125
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Hair falling out

• Dandruff

• Itchy scalp

• Tension in scalp

• Not trusting one’s intuition

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (1 in stock)


SKU: SI130
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Occassional earache

• Ringing, buzzing or humming in ears

• Earache from congestion

• Pulsation in ear

• Difficulty listening to others

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (13 in stock)

Lung & Sinus

SKU: SI135
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: Cough, Stuffy head, Runny nose, Congestion of lungs, Thick mucus, Sadness

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (3 in stock)

Male Balance

SKU: SI140
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Diminished sexual power

• Weakness or absence of sexual desire

• Weak and tired

• Headaches

• Lack of confidence

• Weakness of will

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (6 in stock)

Mind & Memory

SKU: SI410
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: Inability to think clearly, Trouble recalling names or words, Indisposition for mental exertion, Slow comprehension, Forgetfulness

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (14 in stock)

Mood & Patience

SKU: SI415
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Critical and intolerant

• Quarrelsome

• Irritable, especially in mornings

• Hurried and anxious

• Quick to react

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (14 in stock)

Muscles & Joints

SKU: SI145
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of: Pains in back or extremities, Inflammation of joints, Swelling around tendons and joints, Pain in limbs

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (12 in stock)

Oral Health

SKU: SI210
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Tooth decay

• Toothache

• Bleeding gums

• Bad breath

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (8 in stock)


SKU: SI150
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

•  Light sensitivity

•  Dull vision

•  Poor night vision

•  Blurred vision after straining eyes

•  Repeating same mistakes

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (12 in stock)


SKU: SI155
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

•  Occasional sleeplessness

•  Agitated sleep

•  Sleeplessness from mental exertion

•  Drowsiness during day

•  Anxious dreams

•  Persistent unwanted thoughts

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (13 in stock)

Soothe & Sleep

SKU: SI305
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Difficulty falling asleep

• Restlessness

• Sleepless after excitement

• Waking and trouble going back to sleep

• Nightmares

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medicas.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (8 in stock)

Stress Relief

SKU: SI160
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

•  Occasional anxiety

•  Restlessness

•  Irritability

•  Forgetfulness

•  Inability to think clearly

•  Impatience

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (45 in stock)

Stress Relief - Kids

SKU: SI310
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Occasional anxiety

• Impatient and irritable

• Whining

• Worry

• Cries easily

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (12 in stock)

Teeth & Gums

SKU: SI165
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

•  Sensitive teeth

•  Toothache

•  Bleeding gums

•  Inflamed gums

•  Brittle dental enamel

•  Offensive breath

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (8 in stock)

Temper Tamer

SKU: SI315
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Irritability

• Short temper

• Tantrums

• Mischievous and destructive

• Frustrated and discontented

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (10 in stock)

Temperament & Boundaries

SKU: SI215
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

• Angry disposition

• Easily excited

• Easily provoked

• Timid and afraid

• Noise sensitivity

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (17 in stock)

Throat & Voice

SKU: SI170
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of :

•  Sore throat

•  Congested throat

•  Loss of voice from strain

•  Dry throat

•  Swollen throat

•  Occasional speech difficulties

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (22 in stock)

Youthful Skin

SKU: SI175
Unit Size: 1 fl oz

Temporarily relieves symptoms of:

•  Unhealthy looking skin

•  Mild acne and pimples

•  Dry skin

•  Scars

•  Itchy skin

•  Eczema

Indications are based on homeopathic materia medica, not clinical tests.

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Price : $21.95
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Quantity (5 in stock)