ActiveHerb Extract Granules - Herbal Formulas

ActiveHerb™ formula extracts are produced following the same quality standard as ActiveHerb™ single herb extracts. In the making of these formula extracts, the herbs are first mixed together and soaked with water before extraction; the extraction is conducted in the same way as the TCM decoction. The finished granules are at the concentration ratio of 5:1 or more.
All the formulas are well known classic formulas in their original formulation. The amount of each herbal ingredient in each serving is indicated on the product label. They can be served either alone or modified by adding other single herb extracts to meet the need of individual patients.
Ba Zhen Tang Granules
Eight Treasures - Dong Gui & Ginseng - Tonify the Qi & Blood
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang Granules
Supplement Yang & Restore Decoction / Astragalus & Paeonia Combination - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Granules
Tonify the Middle & Qi / Ginseng & Astragalus - Tonify the Qi Formula
Chai Hu Shu Gan San Granules
Courses and harmonizes the liver, resolves depression and rectifies the qi.*
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Granules
This formula dispels Wind Cold and Dampness, tonifies the Liver and Kidney. It removes obstruction in Qi and Blood circulation to relieve pain, and it invigorates Qi and nourishes the Blood.*
Gui Pi Tang Granules
Strengthens Spleen; tonifies Heart; nourishes Blood; calms the Hearts spirit (Shen).*
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Granules
Untie Blood Stasis Formula / Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula - Regulates Blood / Invigorates Blood & Dispels Xue Stasis
Gui Zhi Tang Granules
Releases pathogenic influences from the muscle layer and regulates the nutritive and protective qi.*
Jin Gui Shen Qi Tang Granules
Warms and tonifies the Kidney yang.* - Bensky
Liu Wei Di Huang Tang Granules
Enriches the yin and nourishes the Kidneys.*
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Granules
Drains firs excess from the Liver and Gallbladder, and clears and drains damp-heat from the lower burner.* - Bensky
Qi Ju Di Huang Tang Granules
Eye Bright Nourish Liver Formula / Lycium, Chrysanthemum, Rehmannia Combo - Nourish Yin Formula
Qing Fei Pai Du Tang Granules
Qing Fei Pai Du Tang is derived from a classic traditional Chinese medicinal formula combination, including the Maxing Shigan Decoction, Shegan Mahuang Decoction, Xiao Chaihu Decoction, and Wuling Powder, which has a mild nature and flavor.
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San Granules
Augments the qi, strengthens the Spleen, leaches out dampness, and stops diarrhea*
Si Jun Zi Tang Granules
Greatly supplements the source or original qi,fortifies the spleen, nourishes the stomach, and dries dampness*
Si Ni Tang Granules
Rescues devastated yang, warms the middle burner, and stops diarrhea*
Si Wu Tang Granules
Supplements and quickens the blood, supplements the blood, enriches yin rectifies the qi within the blood, restrains yin *
Suan Zao Ren Tang Granules
Nourishes the blood, calms the spirit, clears heat, and eliminates irritability*. - Bensky
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Granules
Subdues Liver Yang, extinguishes Wind, clears Heat, invigorates Blood, tonifies Kidney, nourishes Liver.*
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin Granules
Clears heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, and reduces swelling*
Xiao Chai Hu Tang Granules
Harmonizes the two meridians of Shaoyang -- the Triple Warmer and Gallbladder.*
Xiao Feng San Granules
Disperses wind, eliminates dampness, clears heat, and cools the blood*
Xiao Yao San Granules
Free and easy wanderer / Tang-Kuei & Bupleurum / Dang Gui & Bupleurum - harmonize the Liver and Spleen formula.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Granules
Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, spreads the qi of the Liver, and unblocks the channels*.
Yi Guan Jian Granules
Nourishes and enriches liver blood and kidney yin at the same time as it courses the liver and rectifies the qi.*
Yin Qiao San Granules
Dispels pathogenic wind, clears heat, resolves toxin, benefits the throat, relieves thirst, diffuses lung qi.*
Yu Ping Feng San Granules
Supplements the Lung and Defensive (Wei) Qi, stabilizes the exterior and fortifies the Spleen*
Zhi Bai Di Huang Tang Granules
Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, Rehmannia Formula - Nourish Yin Formula
Zhi Gan Cao Tang Granules
Replenishes deficient Qi, enriches the blood and nourishes yin to restore a healthy pulse.*
Zhi Sou San Granules
Transforms phlegm and stops coughing, resolves the exterior and diffuses the lungs*