Nourish Jade Yin, 8 oz

Nourish Jade Yin, 8 oz

Nourish Jade Yin, 8 oz

SKU KT134B-8
Brand Kan Traditionals
Unit Size 8 oz.
Potency 7:1
Contraindications Do not use in cases of Yang deficiency. Use with caution during pregnancy.
Chinese Symptomology Kidney Yin and Blood deficiency
Western Symptomology Back soreness, weak bones, loss of sleep and anxiety; prolonged infertility in both women and men; scanty menses, hot flashes
Actions Enriches the Yin and Essence, nourishes the Blood, regulates and strengthens the Penetrating (Chong Mai) and Conception (Ren Mai) vessels
Pattern Kidney Yin and Essence deficiency, Liver Yin deficiency, Blood deficiency
Tongue Red, dry or red tip with scant coat
Pulse Fine, rapid or fine, wiry
Chinese name Yang Jin Zhong Yu Tang and Er Zhi Wan
English name Nourish Jade Yin, 8 oz
Description Nourish Jade Yin regulates and strengthens the Penetrating (Chong Mai) and Conception (Ren Mai) vessels and nourishes Yin, Essence, and Blood. This formula is suitable for men or women with declining Kidney Yin and deficient Blood. It may be successfully used for Yin and Essence deficiency with Empty Heat, and for a range of symptoms from irregular menstruation and leukorrhea. (Kan Herb Company)
Ingredients Shu di huang (Rehmannia root (prepared)); Dang gui shen (Dong quai root); Bai shao (White peony root); Shan zhu yu (Asiatic cornelian cherry); Nu zhen zi (Ligustrum fruit); Han lian cao (Eclipta herb); He shou wu (Polygonum multiflorum root (soybean)); Gou qi zi (Lycium fruit); Tu si zi (Chinese dodder seed); Ba ji tian (Morinda fruit)
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