Cuscuta 15, 250 tablets

Cuscuta 15, 250 tablets

Cuscuta 15, 250 tablets

SKU SF138-250
Brand Seven Forests
Unit Size 250 tablets (crude herbs are powdered and formed)
Chinese Symptomology Urinary frequencyDeteriorating healthDry skinPremature aging
Western Symptomology IncontinenceDiabetes
Actions Astringe essenceNourish kidneyReduce discharges

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English name Cuscuta 15, 250 tablets
Description This is an astringent formulation to short-up the kidney essence; it includes tonics for the kidney and liver. It has ingredients similar to those of the traditional Five Seed Pill (Wuzi Wan), Hoelen and Cuscuta Formula (Fu Tu Tang), and Lotus Stamen Formula (Jinsuo Gujing Wan). Astringent formulas reduce discharge of fluids, and this formula is particularly useful for the fluids of the genito-urinary system (treating urinary dribbling, frequent urination, leukorrhea, and spermatorrhea). The nature of the herbal ingredients is gently warming; the syndrome of "leakiness" is often associated with cold. However, the disorders requiring astringents might occur in those who tend to have a warm constitutional condition or localized warm disorder. In such cases, the prescription is best given along with a cooling formula, such as Tortoise Shell Tablets or the traditional formula Zhi Bai Dihuang Wan (Pine Mountain). The natural aging process, according to the Chinese dogma, involves depletion of essence. Astringents slow down this depletion and kidney/liver tonic herbs in the formula (e.g., rehmannia, cornus, cynamorium, lycium fruit) help replenish the essence; the ingestion of the herbs is potentially useful for improving memory, reducing age-related incontinence, and moistening the skin. Wuzi Wan and the current formula are nutritive tonics that can be utilized as "anti-aging" formulas. The seeds are rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Diabetes, usually attributed to weakened kidney essence, may also be addressed by this formula: a characteristic of poorly controlled diabetes is excessive urination.
Ingredients Tu Si Zi (cuscuta) 9% Shan Yao (dioscorea) 9% Shan Zhu Yu (cornus) 8% Fu Ling (hoelen) 8% Shu Di (rehmannia) 7% Ze Xie (alisma) 7% Sha Yuan Zi (astragalus seed) 7% Che Qian Zi (plantago seed) 6% Suo Yang (cynamorium) 6% Jin Ying Zi (rose fruit) 6% Gou Qi Zi (lycium fruit) 6% Lian Xu (lotus stamen) 6% Wu Wei Zi (schizandra) 5% Qian Shi (euryale) 5% Fu Pen Zi (rubus) 5%

Bu Nao Wan


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