Eucalyptus Radiata (organic) Essential Oil, 5ml

Eucalyptus Radiata (organic) Essential Oil, 5ml

Eucalyptus Radiata (organic) Essential Oil, 5ml

Brand Alchemica Botanica TCM Essential Oils
Unit Size 5ml
Dosage Diffuse for cold, coughs and congestion and to disinfect the air. For children under 7 years old, 1% to 2% dilution is recommended (20 drops in 1 ounce of a carrier such as Almond oil).
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Price: $8.00
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Quantity (2 in stock)

Organic steam distilled Eucalyptus radiata

Compared to Eucalyptus Globulus, the aroma of Radiata is milder and although it is similarly spicy and camphorus, it has a light, soft sweetness to it.

This milder quality makes Eucalyptus Radiata the choice for children, while its cooler nature increases its anti-inflammatory action to treat ENT infections, and fevers.

Eucalyptus' spicy warmth releases the exterior to treat colds and respiratory infections. It is very effective at opening a congested chest and breaking up mucus and phlegm. It can also help to clear the lymphatic system.

Eucalyptus has anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Note: Top to Middle

TCM Category: Releasing the Exterior

Channels Entered: Lung and Stomach

Major Chemical Constituents: Monoterpene ether oxide: 1-8 cineole (eucalyptol).
Monoterpenes: pinene, phellandrene, limonene. Aldehyde (benzaldehyde): cuminaldehyde.

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