Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia spp.), Organic

Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia spp.), Organic

Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia spp.), Organic

SKU MR1373
Brand Mountain Rose
Unit Size 1 pound
Properties Oregon grape root contains berberine, also found in barberry, coptis, and goldenseal. The herb also contains phytochemicals with similar activity, including columbamine, hydrastine, jatrorrhizine, oxyacanthine, and tetrahydroberberine, as well as tannins. It does not contain the range of nutrient vitamins and minerals found in barberry.
Contraindications Adults should limit use of Oregon grape root or any other herb containing berberine (barberry, coptis, or goldenseal) to seven consecutive days at a time, waiting at least a week before using the herb again. This gives the natural, helpful bacteria of the intestine a chance to recover. Taking vitamin B6 supplements can give infectious bacteria resistance to the antibacterial toxins in the herb. Do not take Oregon grape root if you are taking antibiotics for diarrhea. The herb is not a problem for nursing mothers unless the baby has jaundice, however it should not be used while pregnant.

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Price: $48.00
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Description Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia Spp.) Certified Organic.

Oregon Grape Root (Mahonia Spp.) Certified Organic. Origin: USA

Price : $9.49
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Price : $97.51
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Price : $97.51
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