Wen Jing Tang Capsules

Wen Jing Tang Capsules

Wen Jing Tang Capsules

Brand Treasure of the East Capsules
Unit Size 100 Capsules - 500mg each
Dosage Take 4-6 capsules with water 2-3x daily.
Potency 5:1
Properties Source Text: Essential from the Golden Cabinet (Jin gui yao lue)
Contraindications Contraindicated in cases with abdominal masses due to blood stasis from excess.
Actions Warms the channels, especially the Liver and the Kidney; expels cold; nourishes the blood; expels Blood stagnation; strengthens Kidney function.
Pattern Deficiency-cold in the Chong and Ren channels.
Tongue Pale with a white coating.
Pulse Deep and slow.

Treasure of the East Formula Handbook

Chinese name 温经汤
English name Evodia & Cinnamon Combination

Warms the channels, especially the Liver and the Kidney; expels cold; nourishes the blood; expels Blood stagnation; strengthens Kidney function.*

Wu Zhu Yu (Zhi) Evodia Fruit (Processed)
Dang Gui Chinese Angelica Root
Bai Shao White Peony Root
Chuan Xiong Chuanxiong Rhizome
Bai Shen Ginseng Root
Gui Zhi Cinnamon Twig
E Jiao Ass Hide Gelatin
Mu Dan Pi Moutan Bark
Sheng Jiang Ginger
Gan Cao Licorice Root
Ban Xia (Fa) Pinellia Rhizome (Processed)
Mai Dong Ophiopogon Root

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